An Angel, a Miracle

Happy New Year Everyone

As the new year is upon us I want to wish everyone the best of everything.  Never give up on your hopes and dreams, and above all never lose your smile.  Being a female is truly amazing and I wouldn’t change my identity for anything in the world; I embrace my femininity and live my life to the fullest.

I know not everyone believes and that is OK, but I would still like to share a story with you about Angels watching over us. On Christmas Eve as I was getting dressed to go visit friends; I took a few selfies of how I looked in my new red dress and in the picture right behind me were what appeared to be images of an Angel hovering above me; you could see the bright white wings, body and face. At first I didn’t know if it was a sign or not, but I googled what it might mean and learned that they are called orbs, and that some may indicate the presence of angels. I choose to believe this means Angels are always with us watching over us.

In February of 2005 I was in intensive care fighting for my life; I was told I was going to die and there was nothing they could do. I remember a priest coming to my bedside to give me last rites and saying good bye to my mom. During the night a young doctor appeared at my bedside; he told me his name was Dr Joseph Curry but told me to call him Joe. He took my hand and told me everything was going to be OK, but I would go through some pain. On the next day they told me a doctor from Canada was there to operate on me; I had something called empyema which is a severe case of pneumonia. I went into surgery and waking up in intensive care I was happy to be alive.

Miraculously, after six weeks in the intensive care I was through the worst, and God had saved me for reasons I didn’t know at the time but do now. 25 years earlier my dad passed away at a young age and his name was also Joe, like the young doctor that came to see me that night. When I was discharged from the hospital I asked about doctor Joseph Curry and no one had ever heard of him, and they had no record of him being on staff that night. I searched for him and found he didn’t exist. His initials were J C and I’m convinced that God sent me an Angel that night. Maybe it was my father, I don’t know, but for whatever reason I am alive and well today. Even beat a massive heart attack in May and major kidney surgery too, so everyday of life is a gift.

Please girls don’t ever let anyone tell you you’re different, because we are all God’s children and how we live our life is our choice. I can’t ever imagine not living as a female because my life would be unbearable living a lie. I live 24/7 as a woman and it’s the greatest feeling in the world. I hope you all never give up because life is worth the struggles of the journey, so live, love, laugh and be happy.

Always, Paige

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Paige Valentina

Transgender female who is extremely feminine and highly passable as a woman. I absolutely love being a girl.

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Lara Cross
Lara Cross
3 years ago

I’m sure many would say TS/TG gurls are probably the furthest from “angelic care" that anyone can be, but I agree with the idea that angels are there for EVERYONE… especially those who are constantly seeking to find themselves in this confusing world. Nicely done, Paige. -Lara

Connie Casas
Connie Casas
3 years ago

Beautiful story and yes I too believe in Angels. The only difference is normally people see the in a serene pose with a simmering light. When I catch glimpses of my guarding Angel, I see her as flustered looking exhausted with her wing feathers askew. She seems to be telling me to slow down!

Tammy Baxter
Tammy Baxter(@tammy)
5 years ago

Hello Paige,
Thank you for your wonderful story i am so
Glad you’re be a woman give you so !much joy as it dose me
Hugs Tammy xx

Tami C
Tami C(@princesstami)
5 years ago

Dearest Paige, thank you so much for sharing your unbridled joy with us! I think we ALL could benefit from just a little more joy in our lives. I too absolutely LOVE being a girly girl woman! I hope you’ll be my friend.

Love to you

𝓜𝒾𝓈𝓈 𝓒𝓁ℴℯ́ 💋💋
Active Member
5 years ago

We’re so happy to have you here with us too, Paige! I’ve had a couple brushes with angels myself. Living a full authentic life is the best response we can give. I hope all your days amazing.

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