Breast Friends

They have always intrigued me. They epitomize and enhance the female form. They are functional and necessary. They are beautiful and are to be desired. And I have always wanted them. Ever since I put on my sister’s dress as a young, confused teenager and looked in the mirror at the flat area on my chest I wondered what it would be like to have real breasts.

Over the years of dressing and purging all of my clothes, the concept of being endowed with the equipment all girls get as they grow into womanhood eluded me. Stuffing my bra with tissue paper or socks would have to suffice.

Fast forward 45 years and with my discovery of Transgender Heaven, along with a good therapist and a change of circumstances in my personal life, I was able to come to live as my true self, as a transwoman. But the question was still there, could I have breasts? And so, my quest for breasts began. Questions like what will this cost? Will my insurance cover the procedure, and how big do I want them to be?

After some investigating, I learned my insurance would cover the cost. All I needed would be two letters, one from my therapist, and the other from my primary care doctor. Alright! I think I can do this!

After a referral from my clinic, I had an appointment with a plastic surgeon. Eventually, I found myself walking into the waiting room on a Monday morning. I hoped that there would not be too many people there; wrong! The place is packed. Then I hear my name called; as I get up from my seat, I cannot help but feel that every eye in the room is on me.

I am led to a small room and instructed to remove my clothes and put on a gown. I am in a teaching hospital, so then, two young ladies in white coats enter the room, “Good morning, so why are you here?” they ask. “I want breasts, breast augmentation.” The nurse writes “gender dysphoria” on my chart. Next let’s get some pictures, front, side, three-quarter view of my modest little breasts.

In comes the doctor, an attractive woman maybe in her mid-thirties, with long black hair and a big smile. We talk for a while; then she asks, “What size do you want?” I say I am not sure just ones that are proportional for my size and build. She explained the procedure and the possible complications, but she exuded warmth and confidence that eased my still somewhat nervous feelings.

Ok let’s check out those breasts, she then palpates my breasts. Next; fill out this consent form. We need two letters to schedule the surgery; looking at several months. I eventually was able to obtain the letters, and after what seemed like an eternity, my surgery date was set!

Finally, my big day arrived. My daughter is taking me, and I reflect on how long this whole process has taken. I am just a little (a lot) nervous. Suddenly, there is a loud bang from the rear of her vehicle, and before you know it, we are on the side of the interstate with a flat tire! After all these months, I am going to miss my surgery!

Once my initial panic subsides, I am able to call my best friend Phil, and the next thing you know my knight in shining armor arrives to pick me up and get me to my surgery on time. Disclaimer here: I hated leaving my daughter behind on the side of the road, but this girl was on a mission!

At the surgery center, I sit waiting to be called for my procedure. A sweet perky nurse approaches me calling out, “Are you Toni?” We were off to pre-op. Then my surgeon appears, again with a big smile. We talked about the procedure and settled on the size of the silicone implants. She draws on my chest and outlines the positions where my new breast will appear.

I have to ask, “So you’ve done a few boob jobs?” She answers, “More than a few.” It’s crunch time; into the OR I go. I meet my anesthesiologist. He tells me, ” It’s time to go to Margaritaville,” and it’s night night.

I am awake and although sore with a tightness across my chest, I feel reasonably well. As I look down to where there used to be a flat prairie, I behold two majestic peaks rising up from under my sexy hospital gown. Glorious breasts! I am discharged not too long after the two-hour procedure with an ample supply of pain meds. On the way home, a little sore, but with a huge sense of relief and euphoria.

It’s been several weeks, and I am getting comfortable with my new friends. They are still tender and a little sore, but they are magnificent, and I am so happy to have them. I feel validated, I feel confident, I feel beautiful on the inside and the outside. It’s been a long road getting here but so worth it. Now I go everywhere with my new friends.

XOXO- Toni Floria


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Natasha Quedesha
Natasha Quedesha(@podsquedesha)
5 days ago

What a lovely story. I had the same experience. I recognize so much 🥰. In my case it was done unfortately a bit undercover in February 2018. The next day I was working again in the office. Since my operation my boobs have grown to cub 90B or 85c standard in the Netherlands. The first doctor refused the second not😊. They have grown since the operation due to hormones which which are supplied by a sister trans woman

Amy Myers
Active Member
Amy Myers(@amylove2dress)
10 days ago

That is the goal so many of us long for and a dear friend had the same procedure as you just over two years ago and she couldn’t be happier!
I too long for that beautiful symbol of femininity but family issues are preventing me from following through with with a similar operation for myself, sigh.

Amy Myers
Active Member
Amy Myers(@amylove2dress)
2 days ago
Reply to  Toni Floria

Thank you very much for that inspration!

Claire Mowan
Claire Mowan(@claire65)
15 days ago

Goodness, how I envy you with your beautiful new friends. They are gorgeous. What a wonderful feeling to wake up each morning with your much desired breasts. I wish I had the courage to develop my ‘girls’. I’m sure the tenderness will go soon and that you’ll be able to enjoy them for the rest of your life. Claire

Darlene Rose
Active Member
Darlene Rose(@drose4evr)
20 days ago

Inspiring article That’s always been one of my fantasy dreams every time I look in the mirror,or every time I put on my bra,But my family situation won’t allow it, I should say, not willing to give up my family for my fantasy dreams I think it’s called sacrifice, but I do carry that feeling deep in my heart, I believe there’s a lot of us out there that feel the same, but we sacrifice just because for a lot of reasons, but you are my inspiration, my dreams, and I live through you. thank you for taking the courage… Read more »

Darlene Rose
Active Member
Darlene Rose(@drose4evr)
19 days ago
Reply to  Toni Floria

Dreaming keeps me going!! PS and slipping into something cute,❤️❤️

Jackie Rusalka
Active Member
Jackie Rusalka(@jackier)
19 days ago
Reply to  Darlene Rose

Well said. I travel my own road. Maybe I’m just a troublemaker 👩

Darlene Rose
Active Member
Darlene Rose(@drose4evr)
18 days ago
Reply to  Jackie Rusalka

 Jackie Rusalka good morning for starters, I don’t believe that you’re a troublemaker, but I do pray that the road you travel will find your happiness, ain’t that what we’re all looking for, happiness, understanding, no judgment, and free to be ourselves,thank you for your comment and sharing❤️🌹

Sasha Bennett
Sasha Bennett(@sashabennett)
21 days ago

Great article, I know just how you feel. Unfortunately I’m not in a position to follow your example so I recently got hold of a Noogleberry system. I don’t know what this will realistically do so I will be putting out a series of “dear diary" posts over the next 12 months or so with any results I get. Hopefully this will give anyone who is considering this option some information to go with.
I am happy you managed to do it properly & I hope you get the results you were after when everything settles down.

Barbra Heaps
Active Member
Barbra Heaps(@barbra)
23 days ago

Loved your article Toni must feel like you’re in Heaven! For me all I have are my D gels.
I purchased four different bras before I found the right one to fit. Though I do feel harmonious. For now, I am in limbo hopefully I will get back on track and move forward. I am so happy for you!

Michelle Burk
Michelle Burk(@michelleburk)
23 days ago

Feel the joy in your heart. So nice enjoy

stef homebody
stef homebody(@steflv)
23 days ago

I’m so happy for you. I was at the point of body shaping and fat augmentation of my breasts this fall. Then had a heart attack now on blood thiners for a year, so now everything is on hold. Love Stephanie

Angela Metz
Active Member
Angela Metz(@angelalynn)
23 days ago
Reply to  stef homebody

Stef. I am sorry to hear of your troubles. My wife is suffering with some medical issues my prayers will be with you

KellyAnn Hutchinson
24 days ago

Toni I love your story. Are you in the US and the medical covered it? That’s my next step. I had gynecomastia when I was younger and the doctors forced my mom to give me meds how they would have looked today. I can’t wait to start this next phase of my journey

Alexandria (AKA Alx)
Active Member
25 days ago

Great to hear your story has a happy ending Toni! They are pretty special aren’t they! Mine were 2yrs old on the 19 January! Well enhanced to a D lol.It all happens so quickly eh?They are even better and bigger now…everyday i know it was the right decision. Hope the pain didn’t last too long! And now throw those small bras away hahaAlex

KellyAnn Hutchinson
24 days ago

What size did you start with? I’m thinking of b or a c

Alexandria (AKA Alx)
Active Member
24 days ago

It varies. A – B is what you can expect on HRT that is the case for the vast majority. I was around B at that time KellyAnn. Shape and genetics vary. I had fat transfer as well, so the majority is ‘me’ lol.

Angela Metz
Active Member
Angela Metz(@angelalynn)
25 days ago

Hey Toni, loved your story. I have long dreamed of having breasts of my own. I live in the closet. I am married and she knows that I have struggled with my gender identity, my longing for breasts and a vagina. And my longing to live my life as a heterosexual woman. Although I offered to live with her a a lesbian, but she was not interested. At those minutes I have tried to be authentic in my private moment. I end up feeling guilty and ashamed. She has been sick for awhile and is in Charlotte with her daughter… Read more »

Angela Metz
Active Member
Angela Metz(@angelalynn)
24 days ago
Reply to  Toni Floria

 Toni Floria   Toni, thank you for the support and your kind words 
Love your sister Angela Trans Heart  

KellyAnn Hutchinson
24 days ago
Reply to  Angela Metz

I felt ashamed of myself all my life. But my life now of 30 years supports me 100%

Jackie Rusalka
Active Member
Jackie Rusalka(@jackier)
19 days ago
Reply to  Angela Metz

The best advice I was ever given was “slow and steady wins the race”. I recognize so much in what you wrote. Little victories. Dreams. Hugs 🫂

Michelle Lawson
Active Member
Michelle Lawson(@michellelarsen1)
26 days ago

Outstanding Toni. Great article, and great perspective. Yep, I’m right there with you. I had an orchiectomy right out of the gate and two years afterwards had breast augmentation. And not one regret, nor ever looked back. It is part of me now; who I am, and what I will continue as. Hugs, Michelle

Angela Metz
Active Member
Angela Metz(@angelalynn)
25 days ago

I wish so badly I could be in your situation

Michelle Lawson
Active Member
Michelle Lawson(@michellelarsen1)
25 days ago
Reply to  Angela Metz

Angela, there is hope. There always is so long as we let it. Hugs

Angela Metz
Active Member
Angela Metz(@angelalynn)
25 days ago

Michelle, Thank you hugs❤️

Angela Metz
Active Member
Angela Metz(@angelalynn)
25 days ago
Reply to  Angela Metz

Michelle, I long for a world that knows me as a ♀️

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