my bigist problm is i am disabled and on medacair andwhile i knowit says it covers it am reading alot about how it costs 100K + to tranzasing i dont havethat money and will never havethat money so am tearafied having realised who i am i will be stuck as i am now for ever
so i dont know whatto do i dont even know if i can find a shinkthat takesmedcair that will help and having just movedto fl i am lost are you sweetie? We have a member who lives in Denmark who lost her legs in an accident....over time she has been able to do what she wanted to do to obtain her goal of feminizing. Honey, you have to work with what you have and can do what you can in your situation.
You do not have to transgender physically to be one. Take hormones to grow breasts and if you can't afford the route to go full gender it is easy to be a cross dresser and half transgender! Dress like a girl, wigs dresses, make up excetera, obtain silicon breast forms until you grow your own. Learn to change your voice and above all.....think like a girl and you will be most of the way there. Let me know what you think and contact me and I will give you step by step directions. Once this is accomplished....who may get lucky and win the lottery or have a stroke of great luck and be able to finish off your goal.
Dame Veronica
yea i may haveto gothat rute. its just so frustrating
Amanda, there are a lot of free transgender clinics out there that can help you. I would advise starting with a LGBTQ health clinic in your closest big city and see if they can help you find a local therapist. A lot of therapists in bigger cities will adjust their rates based on your income. I’m not sure what part of FL you’re in, but I'd start in Miami, Orlando, Jax, Tampa, or Tallahassee. A simple google search should return some good places to start. If you’re further west in the panhandle, check Mobile, AL.
just to update i was able to find a therapist and got my HRT clearance yesterday there is a local transgender/LGBT clinic in the next town over that does HRT and trans care in house am now seeing as my primary care clinic 🙂 most of you know this but those who are no t in the group chat you may not 🙂