@sarahjane618 Hi Sarah. Funny, but it's been so long ago for me, I had to check my profile to find out when; October of 2019. Experience was great since that meant no T blockers for me of any kind, and it got those pesky things out of the way so clothes fit better.
As for recovery; mine went fine. I did find that some panty liners went a long way in providing some cushion and peace of mind that I wouldn't move wrong and cause a problem. I had no infection or bruising. More mental trepidation once I got home.
I'm not sure what your support situation will be, but I made sure I had the place where I was gonna plop down all set up before I left for the hospital. a few meals made and ready to eat as needed, drinks in the fridge, electronic devices charged and the chargers close by, plenty of pillows and blankets.
It's actually a pretty simple and easy operation, so I'd think you will be okay. Hugs, and good luck. Keep us posted on your progress.