So what did Buzz Lightyear do when he got to infinity?
What did Dorothy do after she got home?
'The journey of transition is a long and winding road.'
What are your plans when you get there? It's important to have a goal at the outset...even if you change it. I got to the end of the what?
I did have a plan but the world has changed, my plan changed, I've changed, how people treat me has changed (in a good way) Friends have changed. Is this what I expected?
What, at the outset, would you have done differently...and what next?
Oh wow Alex. I'm thinking "this isn't Kansas anymore". Ok all foolishness aside and having no crystal ball, all that I ever wanted was to feel like the real me, to be accepted for the real me and to understand how I came to be what I consider to be the real me. As far as a journey, most of my profile explains it so I won't retype it here again but I knew that I was different physically, emotionally, and mentally. Others were quick to point that out to me so I was definitely made aware. My life has been a series of eras and all of them were interesting and educating. I see my current acceptance of my intersex-ness as just part of my current era. I embrace it and use it to try to help others. Yup, things changed along the way, they will still continue to change and I look forward to the next changes. So, years ago as a child I never thought or planned that I would be giving local and national talks on living as an intersex person but that's a large part of my life direction now. Who knows what will be next but I'm sure that it will be interesting, unique and exciting. I've' never really finished my journey but am just waiting for the next turn in the road. I don't think I would have done anything different since I was limited in the amount of information that I had on hand and just acted accordingly. I made the best of informed choices and am at peace with that. Happy future, Marg
Thank-you Marg, for your insight. I'm getting a, 'I'll take life as it comes,' vibe from you? And you certainly have the experience to figure out the next step in the heat of battle! Intersex yes...finding that must have been a huge help in focusing your direction...I'm guessing here?