Hi. I am not out yet, but had referred to my femme self as Stephanie...I remembe being 7 or 8 and overhearing my mom talking with my aunt that her pregnancy with me was so much different than my older bother that they were convinced I was going to be a girl...and that if I had, my name would've been Stephanie. If my parents give me a hard time or do not accept, I would drop it in a min.
I am also considering keeping my current initials, and if do...would be thinking of Jenna, Jamie, or Jayne...with Charlotte or Charlize as a middle name.
I am also married with kids and think of including them in the naming process as well.
So confused. thoughts?
f you don’t like the name, you don’t like the name. Have you asked your parents what they might’ve named you had you been AFAB?
That's exactly what I did!! It certainly helped with family members too. I also went for a new family name to keep an extinct name going a little longer. That calmed down my professional siblings who were a little hostile of my actions somehow causing them damage....