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A "Cut-Throat" Day

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Trusted Member     United States of America, California, Granada Hills
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One does not usually volunteer to get their throat cut. Still less would they actually pay to have it done! Yesterday (Jan. 31) was such a day for me, though. To cut to the chase, I underwent chondrolaryngoplasty, a.k.a., a tracheal shave or Adam's Apple reduction.

I have been getting by pretty well in public, but that bump in the front of my throat had always made me a little self-conscious. Now, it isn't impossible for a woman to have a noticeable Adam's Apple, just as it isn't impossible for a man to naturally grow breasts. But either occurrence is rather unusual and likely to be noticed by others, perhaps not favorably. So this woman decided to get her problem solved and help herself be just that much more confident in public.

There are plenty of plastic surgeons who can and will perform this operation. I located a local surgeon after an internet search and booked a consult. It went well, and a surgery date was eventually booked. Before that date, however, I needed to gets letters of approval/medical necessity from both my therapist and my treating physician. I also needed to get certain medical tests done. And there was paperwork - we're talking about modern American medicine after all!  Got it all done, although my doctor's office waited until nearly the cut-off date to forward the test results to the plastic surgeon (what's life without a little drama?).

Eventually the surgery date approached. As with many surgeries, there were pre-op restrictions on certain medications, especially blood-thinners such as aspirin, ibuprofen, etc.  Fasting at least 8 hours before the surgery and only minimal water beforehand on the surgery day. The operation is (usually) an out-patient procedure: check into the clinic in the morning, then comes an hour or so for pre-op stuff. You shed your clothes and change into a surgical gown, a nurse measures your "vitals" and inserts an IV needle. The anesthesiologist talks with you briefly, the surgeon discusses the procedure again and will likely mark up your throat where she wants to make her incision(s).

Then comes the operation. I laid on the table and the nurses got me arranged. The anesthesiologist put an oxygen mask on me, then said "I have started the anesthesia drip. You'll start feeling something pretty quick." I replied, "Hmmm. I don't feel anythiii . . .ah, there it is!" I remember everything briefly disappearing in a sort of white fog and I could faintly hear the voices of the medical team.  Then, next thing I knew, I was waking up in the recovery area with my neck bandaged. The nurses checked on me and gave me a little while to really wake up. Once I felt able, they let me get up and get dressed. When my ride home arrived, I was wheeled out to the car.  End of adventure!

I had checked into the clinic at 7 a.m. and was heading home just before noon. I feel great today, except for a slightly sore throat.  I'm taking the prescribed antibiotics, but have not had to resort to any pain medication yet.  I am a bit lighter in the wallet, however. The little problem is, unless you have the most fantastic health insurance imaginable, you will be on your own to pay for this particular "cosmetic" procedure. In my case, this is about $9,000 (Medicare covers no part of this except some of the pre-op tests). You could pay more or perhaps a bit less, depending on prevailing rates in your area. There are some surgeons in Beverly Hills, for example, who would have done great work, I'm sure, and happily charged me another $5,000 or so.

Anyway, today I am one step closer to being the woman I want to be!  I see the surgeon again in a week, to get the stitches checked (not sure if they are taking them out then). I am assured the scar, if any, will be minimal. In any event, it won't be as bad as having that bump in my throat!

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Estimable Member     United Kingdom, County Durham
Joined: 4 years ago

That took some courage, Dana. Please keep us informed as to your progress, and if it has made any difference to your speaking voice.

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Active Member     Canada, Ontario, Elliot Lake
Joined: 4 years ago

Hi Dana nice to hear that you got that bump removed. Fortunatly for me, My addams apple doesm't show at all. I can feel it, but it's just a tiny little bump. Lucky I guess. Anyhow good luck with your recovery.
TC love Reiht hugs

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Trusted Member     United States of America, California, Granada Hills
Joined: 3 years ago

Reiht, my Apple was just large enough to prompt me toward this surgery. Even my surgeon said it wasn't all that large and that it wasn't impossible for a natural woman to have "bump" like mine (just not "usual").

Rebecca, I am close to 2 weeks post-surgery. I've had one follow-up visit to the surgeon. It's all healing very well (she says, and who am I to argue?). The actual incision line is damn near invisible, but the area is still slightly swollen, although not especially red or sore. Doc says the swelling will go down over a couple of weeks. I had minimal soreness in my throat - ate and drank normally, even on the day of the surgery. Voice was a little husky for a few days. Now back to about 95% of "normal."

Posts: 31
Eminent Member     United States of America, Ohio, Toledo
Joined: 5 months ago

Dana I am so happy for you look wonderful!


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