Hi Sabrina ,
I can totally emphasize with you. I would start by stop calling your feminine side your alter ego . After all it's you and you don't suffer from multiple personalities. That has always been important for me anyway. I think its important to speak to Gender Therapist, and its important to give it as much time and thought as possible , as it's a huge decision . You have nothing to loose by speaking to a therapist, they will help you to figure everything out , and put you on the right track . Gender therapist are different to Psychologists as they are more understanding and less judgemental than speaking to psychologists. So take the first step and make that appointment.
Thanks for sharing You bring up a lot of good points.
Our stories have many similarities, especially as it pertains to our feelings of confusion, wonder, and even amazement. Some days when I look in the mirror and see a beautiful, feminine image looking back at me, it makes me want to just unleash Haley on the world...yet my reality washes back over me. Why is this “gift” so confusing?
Jane, from Tasmania, have blended my dressing styles, female exclusively to work and going out with my SO. A lot of discussion about our life together, and increase in romance.
I will have my first trip to transgender Ball later this year.
So life is moving ahead.