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Happy Holidays?

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Reputable Member     Canada, Hawarden, SK, Canada
Joined: 6 years ago

I wish you all the most wonderful holiday experience you can imagine, always!

So, a while ago, like almost a year ago, I began using a product called Pueraria Mirifica. It is an herbal supplement that I got online that enhances breast growth, or so it promises.

Let me first state that I do not endorse the use of this product in any way. I do know of people who have tried this product to have had a negative experience; I recommend you always consult a Dr and use only prescribed meds.

For me the experience was okay. I experienced no unwanted side effects and did experience some breast tissue formation; the girls were very tender and began expanding nicely. I experienced enough growth, in fact, to determine that yes, I did want to start HRT.

So, casting aside the (PM), I consulted our family Dr, a wonderful Chilean man who admitted he had no clue how to support me in this choice but we could learn together.

A couple of years ago I visited this Dr feeling stressed about wanting breasts. He said then that I should feel grateful, not stressed because in his country, I would be stoned in the street.

I grinned and said, I get stoned in the street here sometimes too! - I don’t think he got it. -

I mentioned an endocrinologist and an appointment was set. In the meantime, Dr. C started me on a prescription of HRT. It’s been several months now and I have watched in awe as my flat chest begins to form small mounds.

I’m surprised at how pleased I feel witnessing the expansion, like, ahhh there you are!

Each evening I massage with fenugreek oil; I don’t know if it does anything at all, but I enjoy the scent, the ritual of encouraging more growth, and feeling grateful for the experience.

The meeting (virtually) with my endo was wonderful, she is a kind and gentle soul. One thing she decided was to switch the meds Dr. C had prescribed, let’s get you to your goal faster she said. My grin made my face hurt!

I began the new meds only a short time ago so nothing exciting to report yet, but the point of this whole article is what Dr C said on that first visit; the one when I asked to see someone who could help me figure out why I wanted breasts; the “you should just be grateful” bit…

I have to think back only as far as my own family to see others who were not able to express themselves as freely as I do today.

I have not been subjected to any psychiatric assessment to help me fix this, not treated with shock therapy or any maculating rituals.

In fact, I walked into my Dr’s office, said I would like HRT please, and a few days later I was consuming the meds.

At this time of year, I am reminded that while we can always find a million things to complain about, we can also find just as many to be grateful for, if, we, look.

The way we feel is created by the way we think; I choose to think of anything I can feel grateful for as often as I can remember. I challenge each of you to jot down 5 things you are grateful for in the comments below; let’s choose to feel good at this very moment.

I am so grateful to have an amazing wife who supports my choices and wants to go shopping for new coats this weekend and willingly holds my hand in public. I am grateful to be experiencing my breasts growing without condemnation or scrutiny. I am grateful to have friends like each of you here who share support and encourage one another continuously.

It does not have to be an occasion to feel and express gratitude, and thereby, feel good inside.

Thank you for reading Your Weekly Reset and thank you for being exactly who you are!

Namaste’ n huggles


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New Member     United States of America, Washington, Tacoma
Joined: 4 years ago

Very nice article and I wish you peace holiday! happiness in your journey. I went through HRT and GRS many years back so I can relate to everything you say so eloquently. I haven't taken hormones since the early 1980s but I am now taking pueraria mirifica and finding it to be a better alternative for me than hormone therapy and the potential negative impact it could have on my health at this stage of life. A low dose of PM daily was recommended for me and that seems to suit me well. I've not seen any added breast development but I wasn't really wanting that. I have noticed an improvement in my skin and contour. Because I am at a post menopausal age I believe it to helping me that way as well. But that is just my experience; it may be different for others.
Have a blessed holiday!!

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Reputable Member     Canada, Hawarden, SK, Canada
Posts: 219

Yeah I have heard many different stories about effects of PM. For me it was a good experience as well Lilacs. I know what you mean "at my age" hehe I just rolled the big 60 a couple months ago,,,right now I'm watching my body slowly shift and enjoying every minute of it, even though its -32C up here on the prairies hahaha

I wish you a magical holiday season my friend

n holiday huggles for you dear

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Trusted Member     United States of America, Virginia, Roanoke
Joined: 7 years ago

Hi Charee , been on PM now for about 8 mos. and went from a flat chest to a close be cup , YEA . I now only take one capsule three days a week and also fenugreek cap every day also . I like you do not say it will work for everyone . I love my girls and so nice my bra's don't ride up anymore , full of breasts now .Congrats on starting hormones , i hope all works out . Leslie

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Reputable Member     Canada, Hawarden, SK, Canada
Posts: 219

Thaaankyou Leslie Anne, I've been enjoying thigs so far, it's pretty exciting watching the girls expand I have to say hehehe
I'm pleased 🙂
Thanks for you reply dear, Happy Holiday Huggles for you dear

Posts: 22
(@Tia Tracy)
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Hi sweetie and thanks for the article. I too was sucked into the void of PM's advertisement of breast growth only to find out first, it's for CIS females for their menopausal symptoms and two, it doesn't grow anything except a number on your bathroom scale. Yes gaining weight makes our breasts appear larger but doesn't grow them. In further studies I found in that how it helps females in menopausal agony it hinders us males taking it while on HRT. It tricks the endo system in thinking it has sufficient estrogen so it closes the estrogen receptors therefor rendering our daily dose of Hormones useless. Charee your wife will greatly benefit from this suppliment as I have seen it do so many times in CIS females. As for us, THTHTHTHTHTHTHT Stay clear of it sis. Huggz Tia

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Reputable Member     Canada, Hawarden, SK, Canada
Posts: 219

Awe Thanks Tia, the more information based on experiences we can share the better!!
Marketing lies for profit, regardless of the effects on our fellow humans, has sadly become what appears to be a norm on our planet these days instead of lifting one another higher to love and freedom.

I have experienced some growth now with HRT and blockers,, plateaued at the moment but I see other things changing as well so my thoughts are, one shift at a time and the energy will go where it is most needed each phase lol...
I'll keep ya posted girls hehehe

My amazing wife has noticed breast growth, skin becoming more translucent, my face is different too oddly haha cheeck bones and almost no body hair growing including on my face these days; shaving takes seconds and nothing falls out of the razor after lol.
I'm quite emotional these days, crying at commercials! hahaha

And over all, I am pretty happy for all the changes but for the belly growth haha

Thanks for sharing Tia, I am most of all grateful for all the sisters here making their way along this long, exciting, winding road 😉

Namaste' sweet soul
n huggles of course

(@Tia Tracy)
Joined: 5 years ago

Eminent Member
Posts: 22

Char I am coming out with an article specifically for growing breasts and augmentation info at the end of Jan. LOL I just finished one on the great mood ring comeback which goes indepth of its original purpose, (medical/cancer) Due to publish any day. The breast one will definately answer many questions and may even put you at ease which is my purpose.
Huggz and Happiness Tia

Joined: 6 years ago

Reputable Member     Canada, Hawarden, SK, Canada
Posts: 219

Awe Thaaankyou Hon, I'm looking forward to that article and certain it will help many of the girls on this site, myself included!

I saw that article on the mood ring comeback, hahaha your age is showing!! hahaha
I'll give it a ready today and wait patiently for your next article Tia, write on girl!!

Namaste' n huggles Tia, see ya soon 😉


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