A brave jourmey for you Vanessa. So glad you can share with us.
Looking forward to your sucesses.
- Terri Anne
Is it possible to give the name and location of the surgeon that did you FFS
Thank you.
Thank you so much Vanessa for getting back to me.
Sorry to ask more questions but that was one places I was looking at.
If I am getting to personal, just say so and I'll understand.
What procedures did you have done and approximate cost if possible.
I am in the process of seeking FFS in the near future.
If you wish to email me you can do so at
[email protected]
Thank you.
Hi Vanessa,
I just left this on Tessa's wall, but I thought I would ask you as well. I am 61, and am in the throws of all of it; name change and pierced ears were the first two things that I did. For medical reasons I had to wait to begin HRT, but have just celebrated my 6 month anniversary. Today, things got a little more real for me, as I scheduled my FFS consultation. Personally, my dysforia is with my face and of course my beard is the main culprit. My gender therapist asked me an interesting question,..."if I get FFS, would that make my dysforia even worse, if I didn't get laser or electrolysis prior to the FFS?" I had to answer that, "yes, it probably would." I would be interested in your thoughts, and if you experienced anything similar. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Love, Jackie
I've just starting .y journey, I've read many of the stories you all have written,And I find them helpful.
I look forward to being able to tell all of you about my journey. When my wife and daughter found out I'm transgender they did not take it well. It's ended up with us getting divorced and my daughter hating me that part hurt. My son has special needs and doesn't understand,I've not been aloud to see him since September when I was forced to leave my famliy
Thank you for this post, on 2/8 I go in for eyelid and eyebrow surgery, lip lift and fat grafts, cheek fat grafts and bbl.
Itβs such a scary time but I am determined to move forward in my journey
I want to go all the way on this journey. I just wish I had begun 30 or more years ago.
By any chance did you find a facial modeling program that could give you the ability to create your new face? I'd like something I could show FFS surgeons in consultations so that I don't go into FFS without a clear goal of the end result.