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My Life will go on

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Reputable Member     Canada, Hawarden, SK, Canada
Joined: 6 years ago

I'm called to remember the last words spoken on the cross; forgive them, for they know not what they do...

I forgive those who do not understand for judging me and I feel empathy and compassion or their ignorance and fear.

You are right Paige, who we are is in our heart and mind, not in our pants or skirt.
Only we can know who we are regardless of the opinion of others.

I know there is sadness for you just now; it may never leave you completely, and I am grateful for the peace that you Mother, and both f my parents experience now; they are truly free of the fears and judgements of the uneducated and unaware...

Thank you for this

Namaste' Beautiful Soul
and the warmest huggles Paige

Char  🌹 

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Trusted Member     United States of America, Pennsylvania
Posts: 37


That was absolutely so beautiful what you wrote and so true. I follow my heart and we can’t help who we are, Iam a woman, always was and always will be because in my heart and soul this is me, Paige and I’ll never walk alone because God loves me and always will. My journey has been a long road but now that I feel like I have reached the end of that long road I have found peace, serenity, hope and happiness. Yes I’m sad over the loss of my mom but she loved me as her daughter and she never judged me like society dose.
I truly wish you love and happiness and I would love to have you as my friend.

Love 💕 Paige Valentina

Joined: 6 years ago

Reputable Member     Canada, Hawarden, SK, Canada
Posts: 219

Paige, it would be an honor and a privilege to be in your circle of friends Hon.

Stay you, stay beautiful and let the world see Amazing Paige,,,unapologetically 😉

Only by being seen, being present and never shrinking to the les aware, will we eventually over come their fears...

My Dad used to say, if you conquer your fear, you will conquer theirs; perhaps one of the wisest things he ever said to me I think, and I have seen it happen over again each time I am fully present, being kind and un-apologetic in each new situation.

Walk tall Sweety
n warm huggles Paige

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Trusted Member     United States of America, Pennsylvania
Posts: 37

OMG Honey

That’s so beautiful what you wrote and yes I have conquered all my fears and will never look back because I’m a woman now and no matter what I will always be happy and proud to be the woman I have become

Love 💕 Paige

Joined: 6 years ago

Reputable Member     Canada, Hawarden, SK, Canada
Posts: 219

Yaaaaaaay!!! hehehe What a beautiful thing to be Freeeeeee hey!

You are a breath of fresh air in this sometimes stagnant world Paige 😉

Namaste Hon,
and huggles of course hehe

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Hi Paige
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom; we lost our mom recently from covid. My sister , ( my best friend ), were there the last couple of days; She never spoke. I prayed the Hail Mary three times , ( please forgive if this offends ) . I too am all alone because of what's on my chest. Platonically thinking of you; love to hear from you.
Best... Rikki

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Trusted Member     United States of America, Pennsylvania
Posts: 37

I’m so sorry for your loss too I also pray the rosary daily and thank God for waking up to see another day

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