I'm called to remember the last words spoken on the cross; forgive them, for they know not what they do...
I forgive those who do not understand for judging me and I feel empathy and compassion or their ignorance and fear.
You are right Paige, who we are is in our heart and mind, not in our pants or skirt.
Only we can know who we are regardless of the opinion of others.
I know there is sadness for you just now; it may never leave you completely, and I am grateful for the peace that you Mother, and both f my parents experience now; they are truly free of the fears and judgements of the uneducated and unaware...
Thank you for this
Namaste' Beautiful Soul
and the warmest huggles Paige
Char 🌹
Hi Paige
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom; we lost our mom recently from covid. My sister , ( my best friend ), were there the last couple of days; She never spoke. I prayed the Hail Mary three times , ( please forgive if this offends ) . I too am all alone because of what's on my chest. Platonically thinking of you; love to hear from you.
Best... Rikki