Haaaappy Pride Month my beautiful friends.
It was not so long ago that the stonewall riots took place, starting a push back that has blossomed into where we are today with parades, banners, and a month every year dedicated to the awareness, acceptance, and even celebration of the rainbow tribe.
Yes, there are many challenges yet ahead on the path to freedom for all. I, for one, am up for the gig! I believe having such a path paved before us is the response-ability of everyone under the rainbow to carry forward the efforts and sacrifices made by so many.
I have often thought, “but what can I do?” I’m no activist. I live in a town of less than 40 people in rural Canada. What difference can I make? The computer world is changing far faster than I seem to be able to keep up with and yet here we all are, each of us with a voice and an opinion.
One thing we can simply do is to be seen by the masses, as much as we can, and we are doing that more every day Yaaaay!! I am so grateful to each of you for helping me grow the courage within to live my truth. To just let go of everything that does not support my expansion. To feel of value and worth and even loved.
I love the phrase Gandhi said to the oppressors of the day; “We will not use violence as you do, and we will not comply with the oppression.”
A few years ago, I made a choice; I decided that I was no longer going to try to “take care of” or be responsible for the feelings of those around me. I was not going to be deliberately cruel of course, but I was no longer going to enable others to stay stuck in their comfort zone by taking care of their discomfort while creating tremendous discomfort for myself!
I choose to believe and live the phrase, “The people that matter, don’t mind, and the people that mind—don’t matter.” I decided that only those who support me will be in my inner circle that I call family.
There is a phrase in A Course in Miracles that I love; it simply states that “nothing has meaning, except the meaning I give to it.” When we ponder this, we discover that each person truly does put their own spin on what something means to them, even other people. Your child, home, pet, and possessions all mean something different to you than to anyone else on earth.
I have discovered that my one true responsibility is to manage my own thoughts, my own feelings, and my own actions. It is not my job to caretake others, and I am not responsible for the thoughts, feelings, or actions of any other being on the planet.
I realized that I do not have to stop loving anyone; I know everyone does the best they can with the awareness and life skills they have at the time; I also know that I do not have to suffer because someone else chooses to stay stuck in old, outdated beliefs.
I choose to allow others to experience the natural outcomes of their choices, for the purpose of their own growth and expansion.
I also have chosen to believe that whatever the energy is that I put out into the world, regardless of whether it is fear-based energy (taking) or love-based energy (giving), it is what will appear all the more in my own life experience.
As I have ramped up the ways I can give love to the world, I daily witness ways in which the world is giving love to me, and there are many ways my friends.
My job is to say “no thank you” to what does not serve me and to simply say “thank you” to that which does. To accept and receive the good humbly and to continue giving.
This week/month, in continuing service of all who have suffered before me, I stand tall and proud to be a part of the humanity that supports equality, beauty and respect. Thank you to each of you, who continues to help us all be seen; that’s something to celebrate with my sisters!
Thanks for reading and thank you for being exactly who you are!
n huggles