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Reputable Member     United States of America, Iowa
Joined: 6 years ago

Sharing stories and our lives with one another is both fearful and rewarding. This site is interactive and relies on membership to exchange, empathize, and support each other. One of the ways we do that is through the Author tab and submitting stories of our successes, trials, and understanding of this life we live. Every shared story will help another person going through something similar, maybe even giving them the hope to move a step closer to finding their own place, whatever and wherever that may be.

You might not be aware of how you can contribute to the article section that you see here. Go to the Author menu and click on Submit New Article. It will open a window where you can begin to fill in the words that tell your story and will help others. We have a staff that will help you with formatting, grammar, and even find a representative picture if you don't have one to upload. We ask that you write between 500-1,000 words. Longer and they may have to be broken up into multiple parts or edited down. I usually draw the line at 1,200 words. Much shorter than 500 and we will ask you to supply more.

There is so much that you can share with us. So much that we all need to read about that will help us on our own journey. It doesn't need to be perfect, no one's life is, but sharing things can be therapeutic. Think about the moments that have defined your life. What lesson did it teach you, and what would want someone else to know that would make it better for them? Not all of us on this site are in the process of going through a physical transition, but we are all going through a psychological one (whether we have professional help or not.)

Laughing together over embarrassing moments, crying together over great losses, or even just letting others know about how we feel is important, and necessary to the betterment of all our members. Give us your best tips, share a happy moment, talk about your dreams, or write a letter to your younger self. The possibilities are endless in what you could write. I'll be here to help you tweak it so that you can be proud of what you have shared with the rest of us. If you have any questions, you can seek me out by contacting me via the Managing Editor listed under the 3-dash icon symbol.

I look forward to your submissions.

One last thing. When you submit and put it under review, only I can edit it. If you just hit the save button and leave, you can continue to work on it by looking under Author/edit draft article. Another way to do it. Write it in another program and then cut and paste the text over. Using Keyboard shortcuts works best; (Control+C to copy and Control+V to paste.)


Managing Editor

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Posts: 27
Eminent Member     United States of America, South Carolina, Greenville
Joined: 2 years ago

Hi Sabrina,
I think it's amazing just how many of us knew, at an early stage, even before puberty, that we were different. Way, way, yeah, waaay back then it just wasn't acceptable, even dangerous, back in small mining town PA, to be "different". So we learned to feel ashamed, hide ourselves, crawl deep into the closet, try to persuade ourselves that we could be ?normal?. So many times of building up a secret stash of lingerie and clothes, stockings and heels, only to crash and purge. I think we can thank the internet for finally allowing us to realize that, hey, it's not just ourselves, alone, some freak, but there's millions of us, everywhere, we're more normal that most people care to realize. Now, at least many of us, can finally feel free enough to accept ourselves for who we really are. I'm so much happier, content, even feel and look younger, now that I've accepted that feminine part of me. Although it seems that many, if not most of us still have to be chameleons, transforming back and forth between our 2 selves in order to live, at least we now can venture out of the closet, more and more, without fear. Progress is being made, if we can just stop these male drag queens claiming to be transsexuals performing obscene acts in public and before young children from fueling another massive backlash against us all. These aren't "transsexuals", how can they claim to be women inside when real women don't act like that, most are actually repulsed? These are men living out their pornographic fantasies under the cover of being transsexual. I know, I shouldn't even think about it, but it's been a very long time, many many years, decades, that we've even begun to come out and live our lives, our true selves, alongside everyone else. We can only keep progressing as long as we demonstrate that yes, we can be "normal", that we are just like anyone else. Deviant behavior is NOT normal, and is unacceptable in just about every civilized society on the planet. It only takes a few to spoil it for all the rest of us, backlash has already begun, if the door slams, it'll set us back decades. We can be pretty without being stupid.
Thank you for sharing your story Sabrina. It feels good in the light.
Jennifer R

Posts: 1
New Member     United States of America, Connecticut, Westport
Joined: 2 years ago

New to to chat/contribute to others based on life's experiences


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