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Are you playing small?

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Reputable Member     Canada, Hawarden, SK, Canada
Joined: 6 years ago

'Your playing small does not serve the world' she said!
'Living on purpose does!'

Yep, that is what she said to me. I was uncertain about what she meant, so I repeated her statement and curved the sound upward at the end to create a question tone, 'playing small?' I said tipping my head slightly to one side.

Yes, you are, and you could be helping a lot more people with what you understand if your reach were further, including possibly your own family.

You’re the one who taught me that the purpose of every human being on the planet, regardless of which method or career path they choose to use, is to serve the world and preferably leave it at least a little happier and more free than when we arrived.

I had to admit that she was right. The impact it had on me was to partial pause my life coaching career while I explored and resolved a few of my own gender related issues.

I know that I love helping people understand the simple life skills that I have acquired after decades of making mistakes, to now, consciously, and intentionally creating an amazing life.

In finding one’s purpose and serving the world, the search is not lengthy. 

The short answer: find something to do that serves you with an abundance of happiness, satisfaction, and finance.

Something that you can immerse yourself in where you will lose track of time doing, and that serves the world by bringing about the same kinds of experiences for others that you want for yourself, then do that. Things like happiness, calm confidence, to feel loved and appreciated and so on.

About 5 months ago, after this conversation with my friend, I decided to play bigger and serve more. Essentially to stop playing small and to stretch and expand my playpen yet again.

I had no idea of “how” to accomplish this since hitting the teck-wall in the online space a few years ago, but I still hold an idea of what my vision looks like once accomplished, so I began, again.

First, by imagining the expanded version of my life, while in a meditative state. I clearly include every detail of what this future looks like for my amazing wife and I with each meditation practice.

A couple of months pass and nothing new happens; I continue to chop wood and carry water as they say, then, seemingly “out of the blue” I receive the first gift for this next adventure.

The first sign of the universe supporting and meeting me in the middle,
you see once you have decided on the what.
When we commit to our vision, the universe provides the how

One July morning an unexpecteded email arrived, asking me to Co-Host an online broadcast series being called The Live Sessions. A live streaming program offering supportive solutions, life skills and tips for improving the lives of everyone watching.

Of course, I gratefully, humbly, and immediately accepted. An hour on the air feels like only a few minutes to me and I happily look forward to each new episode. I feel the same happiness, and absence of “a sense of time passing” when I am writing articles for the now, many publications both on and offline that I write for.

What is the thing that lights up your soul that you engage in doing? My amazing wife has discovered that she has a fun love for African Violets; our home is a glow these days with the purple hue of grow lights as she propagates and creates new and beautiful violets.

Flower Power

I watch as my wife becomes completely consumed by her labour of love and losing all track of time, playing in her ever-expanding world of over 100 African violet plants. I am privileged to witness a passion for a hobby turning into a purpose that serves the world.

This week, zero in on what lights up your soul to do and begin it in any way you can.

Use the life skill of imagining for expanding your passion and bring all that you need to create your vision into your world, through focused intention and attention. Remember, that where our attention goes, everything grows!

This will improve not only your own life, but also the lives of everyone who is watching you intentionally and consciously create your own rewarding, abundant life of purpose and passion.

Thank you for reading Your Weekly Reset beautiful souls and thank you for being exactly who you are!



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Estimable Member     United States of America, Oklahoma, Sallisaw
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It's often hard for us to understand that we have a meaning and purpose in this life, and to know jut what our value is to the world. So many of our stories are fraught with pain, self rejection and dysphoria that our insight is clouded.
The reality is that each of us, knowingly or not, is an example and beacon for others. By acknowledging our own life situation, we become activists of a sort. That is not always a comfortable position to be in, but I believe that it is a truth. Each of us has the potential to effect and influence another in wonderfully positive ways simply by being.
Thank you for this, Char.

Peace and love

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Reputable Member     Canada, Hawarden, SK, Canada
Posts: 219

Completely agreed Carly,
"The reality is that each of us, knowingly or not, is an example and beacon for others. By acknowledging our own life situation, we become activists of a sort."
Simply by being seen we teach the world that we are normal.
I love the quote, do not let what we cannot do, stand in the way of what we Can do. . .

n warm huggles Carly

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Noble Member     United States of America, California, Cathedral City
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The entire passage by Marianne Williamson is very powerful and borders on provocative. Often LGBT people do Play Small so that we do not stand out as anyone else might. We watch what we do and censure what we say. That works against our visibility, limits our potential and does not move the needle...

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Reputable Member     Canada, Hawarden, SK, Canada
Posts: 219

Exactly DeeAnn, I believe the more we are seen publicly, the sooner we will be seen as normal.

In what ever way is safe for each of us, simply being seen is the single most important thing we can quietly and peacefully continue doing in larger and larger numbers 😉

Namaste' Hon n huggles of course

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Noble Member     United States of America, California, Cathedral City
Posts: 1840

Yes, visibility is always a factor in deciding which activities that I will become involved with. Of the 5 organizations that I am currently, or have been, an officer, I am the only trans person and likely the first...

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Reputable Member     Canada, Hawarden, SK, Canada
Posts: 219

I am grateful for all you do DeeAnn, we are pioneering new inroads for so many to experience freedoms those before us could not; what an honor 😉

Namaste' DeeAnn and of course,
warm huggles from the frozen north haha



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