Sooo how to begin...well having spent my life wondering who the stranger in the mirror was, I met a beautiful woman explain her trans journey and realised it was me she was talking about. Everything fitted, the stranger was the guy who should have been a girl.
Sooo now the reasoning for my entire work life revolving around me always preferring female company 99% of the time made sense...always talking about girlie subjects and hating alpha men with a vengeance.
I had to tell her and make her realise why I loved shipping with her for clothes.
So French maids outfit on, fishnets and walk into the front room cleaning, telling her I was her new cleaner. She was taken aback but as usual laughed...I do prefer to make people laugh. But the ice was broken. I sat and explained I loved feeling femme.
Long story short...without all the tears and questions, she accepted me. Around the house I could be Sarahjane. In shops we would find outfits for each other ready to try on at home. I did my make up as she had only ever done her own and was not used to a heavier make up session. Those smokey eyes take some work.
We have limits. I tend to dress more genderfluid out...but those lines between m/f are being blurred.
So advice for others when it comes to coming out to your loved ones is 3 simple steps.
1. Communicate honestly...perhaps slow but honest.
2. Listen to each other's limits and see what is left work with. Remember time can allow things to today could be maybe next week.
3. Other people see you for 10 seconds do not allow them the other 23 hours 59 minutes and 50 seconds. They are yours
Well Sarahjane, I totally agree. Honesty, good open lines of communication, and listening, are cornerstones of any good relationship. I fully believe the world would be a much nicer and gentler place, if we all did a lot more listening and thinking about what was said, and take down the barriers we tend to put up. Hugs