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100 Best Songs About 'Words'

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Noble Member     United States of America, Virginia, Front Royal
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As I started to think about this post, I wanted a great fitting song title, but quickly found there are so many. So....

Since humans first roamed the earth, one group has always been beset upon by another group. And this is no different. You name the group, and it will not take much to find who were offended. The majority of the time the offense taken was not caused by those being beset upon. People are too easily led down a wrong path; a path that love, faith, understanding, and communication, would quickly halt. Words are powerful tools, both for good, and evil. But for some reason, humans seem to be afraid to use them. Supposed self-preservation maybe, social pressure, or any of a million other excuses; but not one valid reason.

I suspect, that as the wind blows this willow tree, at some point it will blow the other way. It blew one way before, and now it is blowing this way. Maybe if humanity was less like the willow, and more like the oak, we could just slough off the wind, and grow tall and strong together. Maybe then, the wind will realize it can be just as helpful in just being a simple breeze.

So, for now, they are just simple words of paper, as they are certainly not carved in stone come down from the mountain. Those words carry a greater weight. And as the alleged quote goes, '...made his decision, now let him enforce it....". Humans also have one powerful tool we haven't given up yet, the power to shoot our mouth off, and have others take the intelligent step back and say, 'well, maybe not so fast. Let's take a good look at this first'.

So, I will live on. I will persevere. I will keep my faith. Those are my roots, and they are deep, and strong, and well, fed, watered, and cared for. I know my duty to humanity, and I shall perform it. I will fall, and I will rise, but I will never falter, or fail, in my vision and my goal; to love, honor, and serve in this world.... As has been said before, 'the pen, as in words, is much more powerful that the sword'....

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Reputable Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
Joined: 3 years ago

True, Michelle. I enjoyed reading it. Rightly said. Words are a very powerful weapon that, like water, can do a lot of good or a lot of harm. It depends on how we use them.



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