Love can come from so many different places. Love doesn't follow a schedule. It can present itself at any time. Are we ready for it or do we run for the hills?
some people spend their entire lives looking for what you have found. cherish it and protect it. you have something very special here and I wish you all the happiness that comes with it.
I agree and feel the same way. It’s beautiful and wonderful when you find someone that you really care for and I really like it. When I came to Mississippi I wanted to see what things are like here and found a whole lot more. Being here makes me happy and gives me great comfort. Sometimes you just have to go after a new life with someone special and I am also in love.
Your post is very beautiful, Bonnie.
Love is felt and is difficult to define. I have felt it all my life in different versions. I love and I am loved. Unconditional love is loving someone because they exist, without expecting anything in return. It is giving and sharing time and many other things. Love is a supreme feeling. If we don't love, we exist only half.