why when we are being who we are are we judge for that. Does being us make us untrustworthy? Why are we judge not for our ability but for who we are? Just because we are different does that make us not trustworthy? The reason i am posting this i have had this happen too me the other day. Has never been given the chance too show i am just automatically assume i am untrustworthy because of who i am
Very bad, Kimberly .Sometimes I think of those who judge that way it is because their intelligence is not enough for them to advance on some issues.. It only works for them until they notice differences. Then they get scared and discriminate a priori. This affects us and makes us angry. Everything would be simpler if they allowed everyone to demonstrate their ability instead of prejudging.
very true don't judge the book by it's cover
I think that it's just the way some people deal with something different than they are used to. Unfortunately we are misunderstood by many and sometimes people don't know how to interact with us. Then you'll get in a situation that they might feel I don't even want to deal with this. So you'll get the negativity, either to make you go away or in their mind "change you back to normal". So in these situations I always try to take the higher road. Just be yourself and be proud of who you are. Finish the task you were doing as long as it's safe. For the ones that think we are untrustworthy, just do your best and show them you are no different than anyone else. If their minds are set and nothing changes it's time to look for another avenue to go down. Noone said this journey was going to be easy, but it's how we proceed that will make a difference. So hold your head high, don't change being you, and just try to make each day better.
Sorry Kimmie that you had to experience and go through that . never a good feeling , but don't let someone's else faults hamper who you are sweetie .