That's right, Mistress B. In my personal experience having someone to talk to really helps. In the end, everyone makes their own decisions about the path they follow and how they want to follow it, but it's wonderful to have friends on hand. It is important to feel valued.
Mistress B: I hear you about "differing needs." I guess I might say that ...for anyone in the Los Angeles (USA) area, that I've found the L.A. LBGT Center to be ENORMOUSLY terms of such things as easy access to an endocrinologist (and HRT), counseling (even through some "crises"), required referral letters...and--eventually--surgery. I'm still "waiting with baited breath" for my facial work, but my BA went splendidly...and I feel MUCH better about myself as a (gradually) "transitioning" female
Try doing this 20 -30 years ago , there wasn't much in line with support of any kind . We were totally on our own , nothing like it is today .
This is exactly the situation I find myself in right now. I’m doing hrt diy - buying my own meds & getting private blood tests to keep my levels in check. The waiting list in my area is over 2 years & that’s just to talk to someone about getting on a program