Hi Ladie's,
I am so happy tonite!! I talked with my SRS surgeon this evening and she told me that SRS is still an option. It was my Endo who works from the same office who had originally said surgery was no longer an option for me because of the blood thinners. My surgeon said they will re-evaluate me after I heal from heart surgery and when I'm ready for SRS, they will take me off the thinners and put me on something called lovenox to control clotting until I heal from SRS. I guess they have done it without issue in the past and she sounded very optimistic about it. This news is really amazing as my Endon was not of the same opinion.
It certainly is welcomed with open arms and I feel like a little kid at x-mas. I do Thank everyone for thier wonderful, warm words of encouragement. After so many years of disappointment,, hard times and personal suffering, I accepted what I was told by someone who really didn't have the authority to make the decision, but I know she wasn't trying to hurt me. So, my heart surgery is still on , then, bank money, and go see my Sweetheart SRS doctor when I'm ready!!!
Thanks Everyone, Breanna
I'm so happy for you Breanna! I knew things would get better for you. Fantad6news.
Bog Hugs
Awesome..I started my electrolysis...ouch..I have girl brows...chick brows...woman brows....how many total for you