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Qi Gong & Yoga & the Transgender person

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(@Anonymous 2388)
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Would have submitted this as an article but I blew the bottom off of the word count allowance.  So sorry, and read at your own risk of boredom. 😉


🙂 🙂 🙂

ps. I will keep my fingers crossed that my pictures embed them selfs.



Qi Gong & Yoga & the Transgender person

Hello everyone I decided to broach this topic as it seems There is no real useful information on the web regarding Qi Gong and how it relates to a transgender person.  Most Qi Gong guru's have no clue or have very little experience in dealing with transgendered people. Qi Gong if you do not know defines as: Qi = energy; Gong = hard work.  However in this sense it refers to internal energies with in a persons body (or bio energy) and how these energies can be manipulated to affect that person, mostly.  I will descried in more detail later.

I am clearly a transgendered MtF and have been all my life, 30 years plus of which I have done extensive study and research on the trans topic.  I am sure some of you know what I mean as you have done just as much as I have or have done more.  I have talked to many people and received their thoughts and insights on this topic, I do not have a formal degree in transgendered studies however if you add up all the time in study both self and in research I have at least a Doctorate or PHD on the subject, however I will not claim such and will leave titles aside.  As for Qi Gong I started martial arts back when I was around 9 when my brother and I saw ‘The Perfect Weapon’ in the theaters, yeah that long ago.  My first instructor was behind us, and from there I have studied more than a half a dozen styles, however I was always interested in the meditation side of study and the esoteric nature of the styles.  I found myself studying internal energies and reading many texts and talking to many martial arts and others in similar disciplines about the subject, most are clueless.  If you thought transgender issues are hard to find reliable information about, try sorting through the misguided information on bio energy, there even was an active period of time when info was deliberately written wrong to keep certain people from understanding it. I have spent about 2/3rds as much time on Qi Gong & bio energy studies as I have spent on the transgender subject. Once again way too much then is good for a normal person. I have since moved away from martial arts and more into yoga and the like, Yoga is less impact on the body and soul.

Why am I writing this?  Well as the subject is very narrow and no one has done a decent study on the two topics and how they relate I am trying to gather more data and info on the subject.  If any of you have experience in the area please contact me.  If you want to play guinea pig and play around with odd experiments also let me know.  Up to this point I have only self-study when addressing the two together.

So I have decided to write a brief on what I know up to this point, I will not guaranty it is perfect but what is when dealing with such obscure topic's. First off let me dispel a falsehood or misconception that has been around for a long time.  The concept of Yin and Yang.  The misconception is that Yin means female and Yang male. Yes many of the traits of Yin are similar to traits of a female, same goes for yang and male.  However in a Qi Gong application Yin means calming of energy, and Yang aggravation of energy.  Thus as seen in most societies females are viewed as being prone too calm natures and males too aggressive natures.  The misconception was born from this, however as most of you know that all females being calm and male not, is simply untrue.

But let us take a step back what is Bio Energy in the first place and what is it good for. Bio Energy is exactly as it sounds, energy in your body.  Most of us use this energy just to maintain our lives and that of the ones we care about.  However you can use this energy for other purposes as well. The creation of things, IE. writing a book, making a pie, giving love to a child, etc.  In fact if all we did was use the energy to survive we would be no greater than an ameba.  If you were lucky to be born with the parts to grow a baby, you can do that as well.  But males also have to add energy and coding to the baby as well so do not discount them so easily.  However not having the ability does not mean you have lost the energy, it is still there, just different.  Many of you know that when you change your body via HRT that you use a lot of energy in the process and definitely your energy gets used for different things than before.  Just think you have to grow like in the womb or puberty to change into physically who you want to look like. FtM's grow hair that was never there before, loose abilities to lactate, MtF's grow breasts, loose erections, etc.  But the scientific law of entropy says energy can not be created nor destroyed.  So it is still there just used differently.  A lot of MtF's notice if they keep eating as they did and have the same amount of exercise they put on some pounds when on HRT.  I assume same for FtM's they will lose weight with out an increase of food. So what other things can you use this bio energy for? If you look in to the esoteric studies of humans you will see that there is a whole lot of unexplained personal abilities, such as telepathy, above average long life (120+ years), super human strength, etc. One of the great Buda's goals for bio energy is nirvana and beyond, Christian's prayers and deeds get them into heaven or the other way, prayer focuses bio energy for purpose. I had a friend lift a Volkswagen Beetle from the motor end and walk it 3o feet through the mud across the yard. I saw I guy light a piece of paper with only his hands.  I have seen a martial arts instructor put a student to sleep without touching him. If you do just a bit of research on the subject you can see all kinds of different things that bio energy can be used for. However let us look at just the simple one of living happy healthy long lives.  This is reason enough for a bit of Qi Gong practice.  Yoga is a mild form of Qi Gong and well worth the lay persons attention.

Now let us get to the meat of the basics of Qi Gong for health.  We have all heard that a well balanced person lives longer and is happier. What does it mean to be a well balanced person?  Not too aggravated or too calm in energy and emotion.  If you are to yang you will burn out fast, look at most of the Olympians and body builders they seldom do well in the later years.  If your energy is to calm guess what you stop living.  However it is not so simple.  First we must understand the basics of how to calm and aggravate oneself.  It is said that emotion and physical activity excites or aggravates bio energy, and the mind leads that energy about the body, both consciously and/or unconsciously. This is true in my experience.  Think of the fight or flight response, energy is defiantly aggravated in one self and emotions are definitely in abundance. The guy who lite the paper did it by aggravating his own internal energy and moving and focusing the center of that energy into the external piece of paper. But simply to be balanced in one's over all whole self is not enough.  If you heart beats fine but your lungs die by getting so calm that they stop breathing, you die.  So you need a balance in each of the organs too.  In fact all the different organs require a different amount of calmness and aggravation or balance to function properly.

The esoteric Chinese and many systems of Qi Gong study have discovered different paths or organ groups where they have found to be areas of similar balance.  These paths can be broken into the Micro Cosmic Orbit sets and Macro Cosmic (I did not come up with the names so do not blame me). The Micro Cosmic one is the basic set and for simplicity purposes I will stick to this one for this brief.  The Micro Cosmic Orbit consists of these simple groups. (I like to use the element names but I will give body areas as well.  Earth - The lower region of your body and energy below you private parts.  This is more than just your legs but until you have played with the area you have to take my word for it.  Water - This is your private parts to just below your solar plexus, think your guts and sex organ. Fire - Your solar plexus, this area is very finite but hard to group with an organ set, however very important. Wind - this is your chest, lungs and throat area, it also includes the heart. Lastly Void - This is your brain area and beyond, again you have to trust me on the beyond part. Each of these areas corresponds to different emotions that aggravate the energy with in them.  There is a color to that energy too, as well as an amount or energy needed or in excess for each area. Color is based on the wave length of the energy, if you look just right you can see some peoples aura’s or dominant bio energy. This has lead to the concept that certain colors have an emotion to them. The trick in Qi Gong is to use the mind and body to generate correct emotions and lead that energy to the correct area.  Simple right?  Yes and no.

The concept is easy in practice this is where the hard work comes in. Imagine there is a plain, yes the one with grass.  You take a bucket of water and pour it on the ground. Now slowly try in drag your finger in the hard and dry dirt trying to get the water to follow your finger to a hole in the ground a few feet away. More than likely the water will seep away long before you can get it anywhere but a small distance, perhaps the ground will be wet for next time. Each time you pour the water you drag you finger,  the path or trough gets bigger and deeper, soon you can get a trickle to flow down a finger wide path to where you want it to go before it all seeps away. Eventually the trough you made will be wide and deep enough that the flow of the water will cause new erosion as it is poured and make the path bigger without any effort on your part. You will still get some seep but the amount that makes it lasts enough to do what you want to do with it.  Do not forget to use the right color or emotion of the water, and when you get the right amount to where you want it, redirect the excess somewhere else or your organs will burst.  This has actually happened to some unlucky practitioners who were not safe and over loaded their organs.

What emotion and what amount goes where?  Lucky for you and me the body is dam smart and efficient.  The body has a tendency to self-correct, and more than likely you have some energy paths already going in the right direction.  When those paths start to close up your organs have a tendency to die as they do not get enough energy.  However your body adapts and will create new paths that are not as efficient or go in a weird directions if there is trauma in an area (physical or mental) in an attempt to save one's self from suffering. Eventually this will lead to unbalanced organs and eventually organ failure. So Qi Gong for health is a way to fix those traumas, reopen the paths, as well as balance those organs to perfection.

Where does all this energy come from anyway? Here is another concept for you. Original Qi and Qi. Qi seldom has different names in texts other than Qi and is a lot of time interchanged and used for many types of Energy and concepts, this is one of the mysteries of Qi Gong study and the student who is not wary really gets confused. However in this case I will name the two types Original Qi and Lifestyle Qi. Original Qi is the energy you were born with, it was built and created in your mother's womb by the coding of you DNA.  It does not increases and when it is gone you will be a shell of a person, living on substance alone. You will not live long unless you become a Qi vampire or the like.  Not fun better to die and get reborn anew. Lifestyle Qi is gotten as you live, from the food you eat, the air you breath, other people, your environment, etc. This type of Qi is mostly used for everyday life.  Good thing too or we would all die way to fast as all of our Original Qi would get used up. Original Qi is mostly used and mixed with Lifestyle Qi, just in a small amounts as to make the magic of life (no other good way to put that).  It is the spark of an artist, the creation of an idea, the root of most things super human, it opens the connection to God.  We all have it, just tap into it in different ways and use it for different things.

How to lead Qi, and using different physical exercises to aggravate it, and use emotions to color it are a book onto then selves and I won’t bore you with all of them here. I am assuming you want me to get to the Transgender side of all of this. So if you want more steps on “How To” you can contact me at your leisure. However even if you do not want to get weird like me I suggest joining a Yoga class or a dance one or something, as flexibility and physical exercise lead to physical and mental health and you will live longer because of it.

So where does being transgender fit into all of this Qi Gong stuff? Here is where my research is lacking, there is almost no written information on the topic, and very few people are pursuing the subject.   First off let me restate, your Yin and Yang balance have nothing to do if you are male or female.  So if you are calm that does not make you a girl.  Your mind has it’s affinity toward a specific gender, be that a girl, a boy or somewhere in between.  Most people’s bodies match their minds.  Only a lucky few get the gift to have it not so. Actually I have found that when a male gets close to the top levels of Qi Gong they will find a feminizing effect on body and mind, not so much as on HRT or what we as trans folk were born with but some.  I assume the opposite for females is true as they get more balanced of a mind and body, the closer in maleness they become, however in the past Qi Gong masters were scared of females, as females progressed way faster and differently, so they were shunned and not commonly taught.  So not a lot of ancient data on the subject. On a side note this one of the roots of foot binding, and corsets, a way to inhibit the Qi or magic in females.

What does the different mind from body have to do with Qi Gong? It should not effect practice.  As experiences during practice are different for everyone.  There are only similarities between people.  Generally the bigger hulking people can get the rapid explosive Qi path or spontaneous flow of energy much easier then the petite people. While the petite people take longer but they get a much more balance and full result.  Both however can reach balance and good energy flow in time.  This does not matter what your brain’s gender is.  The gender of your brain seems to make the paths differently slightly as your emotions are different.  I attribute females to faster Qi Gong growth because of the way estrogen effects their brains and emotions.  I have not seen any studies on how male, female and transgender peoples brains are wired differently under MRI’s and the such, but I suspect all are different, and that a transgender binary fluid has some of both of male and female energy patterns.  If only I could find a test group, and funding. If you have not noticed most transgender people tend to be be smarter and more dynamic then the average normal person.  (I said most). This I believe is to the different energy paths and different access to the Original Qi.

SRS is the biggie.  Here is where Qi Gong and such get effected the most.  As I said you can not create or destroy energy it gets changed into a new form.  Unfortunately Original Qi is stored in thee main areas in the human body; bone marrow, stem cells, and your sex organs.  Your stem cells migrate or are reformed in various places in the body when you age from baby to older.  Your marrow is there unless you have Leukemia or something, if you haven’t noticed people with little or no marrow do not live long, mostly from the loss of blood making ability but some from the loss of Qi.  Your sex organs if removed will physically remove some of the Original Qi storage, for male bodies this is in the testicals, female bodies in the ovaries. I have not seen the studies but a slightly sorter life and not being as healthy is one of the prices paid for SRS. This does not mean you are doomed, just have a harder road.  As if our roads in life are not hard enough. However as I only have self studies on this theory and I still have my boy parts this is only a theory, I could use a few people who have or are going to have SRS to run some experiments.  My suspicion is there is a way to compensate for Qi loss after SRS.  But I will keep my suspicions till I have more data.

HRT and Transgender people is another interesting area.  Similar to SRS but not the same.  Yes your sex organs take a beating but are still there.  As energy is not destroyed it has changed form to something or somewhere else. Again I lack data on the topic as I have only scratched the surface in my data gathering, I am very cautiously experimenting with HRT.  However HRT will effect your energy paths, I have seen this.  And they definitely effect your emotions.  If you are not actively aware and practicing you will find HRT will scatter your thoughts and some extra practice will be needed to refocus them.  One of the big areas of Qi path rework caused by HRT is connections to your sex organs and the mind.  Most of you have seen the MtF person who only liked woman, that is till they got to a certain point on HRT and stuff and now they have some interest in men.  Hypno stuff can effect this too and I expect some previous self denial.  However attraction or not you will find different areas of arousal once on HRT.  Never could I get off by breast stimulation till HRT made my breasts more exciting. Arousal can be very useful in

F & M EnergyQi Gong practice if used correctly.  A lot of the tantric stuff touches on the subject.  Having a good partner makes a world of difference when doing Qi Gong for sex.

Flexibility is effected by HRT and estrogen will slightly help you to be more flexible, just as testosterone will tighten you up.  As flexibility is parallely correlated to organ health you will want to get as flexible as you can.  For you MtF’s out there you will find stretching leans and tightens up things and will make you more feminine looking.  For FtM’s I know those sexy muscles look good but stretch when you work out and build them up.  Not only will stretching tone you but it will make you healthier too.

Other surgeries such as breast and facial reconstruction, won’t effect much other then the local trauma they cause when getting them. You can heal those areas and move on fairly easily.  Rib removal and leg shorting and such are hard core and cause lots of trauma.  The bone marrow loss won’t be much in these cases but the trauma might take years to heal.

One of the best things of transitioning is the mental calm it will cause.  Years of troubled thoughts and mental anxiety will evaporate.  This makes for a much calmer mind and easier to focus and lead energy. It will also free up the mind and effort of fighting oneself.  You will find you have so much more time to do stuff when your mind is aligned with your body.  This in it self makes up for most of the trauma of the transition.  I look back and think if I had spent the time I was focused on transgender self identity stuff and spent it on other stuff I would have achieved more things that make me happy.  Qi Gong mastery included.

One of the advantages toward Qi Gong and being a transgender person is energy paths are usually more abundant.  They do have some strange directions however.  I found some cross dressers have an odd connection from brain, to sex organs, then to another energy area of the body, where as any stimulations to any one of these three areas causes a burst of energy in all three areas. This is the leading cause or result of some addicted behaviors in some cross dressers, the overwhelming urges as they put it.  Another thing I suspect is that all of the inward looking and heavy self doubt creates vast energy paths and mental focus potential.  Plus lots of MtF’s try and focus on the waist or the Water area.  In the Water area of the body is the vast well for energy storage and Lifestyle Qi transformer of the body, making food and drink in to usable energy.  Lots of FTM ’s have lived half their life’s pretending to be girls and have done the same.  So it is clear both MtF’s and FtM’s have tried to force the opposite gender ways of their bodies and minds, thus opening energy channels not usually open to a cis person. Lastly as one’s gender and paths align in both male and female together, not just one or the other, a person gets as close as one can get to being the gender of Angles. I would discount the existence of Angles altogether if not for 1st hand experience.  I am not saying trans folk are angles even if we can be friendly and nice at times.

>I think I have typed enough and if you have read this far you are either interested or a glutton for mental punishment.  Either way if you want to know more, have questions, or want to be that guinea pig just let me know.


80's Energy Man and Woman

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(@Anonymous 2388)
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Hmm seems like it has the formatting in the final presentation. Can you all see that stuff too?

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I'll edit out the formatting and pass it on to the articles team.  Anything that is too long for a single article can be broken into a multi-part series.

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(@Anonymous 2388)
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Thanks Cloe, I was about to edit all that extra stuff out this morning. I have two more photos that got edited out if you would like them for the article.




Energy Girl



Macro orbits

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(@Anonymous 2388)
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Hello Miriya

Tia here, I do not know if this help because proving or getting a special forces person to talk about their physical conditioning is difficult. I made it through B.U.D.S. 10 weeks before an injury in Little league baseball, (Water on the knee) surfaced and I had to ring the bell. I did get to do work with them and continued my physical training as well as developing my (Other skills) I entered with. They taught us meditation but 1 guy, Chaz Deletori, (R.I.P.) showed me how/why Qi Gong works. I worked with him mostly for channeling pain but for frogmen who went the distance like Chaz it was paramount. Changing your body temp one way or another as well as channeling strength.  I could find out from an individual the whys but don't know if He will be into your study. (He now drinks a lot)..

My Qi is slowly dwindling with age as you know what I am referring to takes concentration and focus.

Huggz Tia

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Hi Mirya! (Love the name BTW)

I am part of the editing team, I will take a look into the article and propose some breaks that can be published in two or three articles.

I will need some time before coming back to you. Does this sound OK?


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(@Anonymous 2388)
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<p style="text-align: left;">Thanks a bunch Marianne, that would be wonderful.  I have good links for all the pics when you need them.  Seems my forum editing ability here comes and goes.  Also there are a few typos and such in there, if your expert eye catches  them let me know and I can correct them.</p>

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New Member     United States of America, Oregon, Portland
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Hey this topic really interests me.  I can't wait to follow your next article.  I've been a very undisaplined student of mostly yoga but qi gong has also really helped me heal through very difficult trauma.  They are described in very confusing gender terms which always turns me away from understanding. I really value that you are facing it head on.  So inspiring.  Love it!  Thanks for cracking that

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