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To change a person is to change the world

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Estimable Member     United States of America, Ohio, Mansfield
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Hello my sisters,

Indeed the world would be a more sane and safe place if labels and judgements about these labels did not exist. It is truly a tiring evening to watch the news anymore and see the world appear to be in a downward spiral. I say appear because I am one who is optimistic even as the flames creep closer to us all. I have posted some truly depressing things here and at CDH and even with optimism any of us can have some bad days. String them together and you will have a depressed person who cannot find their way alone. I thank God every day for my wife and for my sisters here and at CDH. The love and support is amazing and so it is also with my sisters, lol. To change one person is possible if both possess a modicum of faith to believe that what is right is possible to achieve, an open heart to see the possibility, a keen mind to grasp the idea of the possibility, and the fortitude (spirit) to help make the possibility a probability.

The most difficult here is the faith. Without faith there can be no vision of what is right so it is lost. They have fallen prey to the evil! The heart is closed because it is blinded by selfishness. See no evil! The mind is dulled because the capacity to grasp what is right is degraded by the evil in the world. Hear no evil! The fortitude (spirit) is wasted away because now the heart, the mind, and the soul are tainted by the negative world we live in and will not speak up for someone’s defense. Speak no evil! Speak no evil is twisted in this case because the LGBTQ community is seen as the evil by narrow minded leaders, politicians, and bigots the world over. So if we speak out they see us as speaking evil.

When in fact if everyone who believes in a higher power no matter what that power is called then they would remember that all of the worlds faiths preach love and tolerance to others. Kindness does go a long way towards understanding others. So if we could change anything in this world would it be the heart to feel the helplessness of the downtrodden? Would it be the mind to understand the helplessness of the downtrodden? Would it be the fortitude (spirit) to help the downtrodden?

No, the change is to faith. Faith is bound to our soul which leads the heart, mind, and fortitude (spirit) to do what is right. To do what is just. To do what is kind. So to change a persons faith in what is right, give them hope, show them kindness, let the anger go, and embrace the faith that it is possible to change one person. Change one person and they can change a neighborhood. Change a neighborhood and they can change a city. Change a city and you can change a state. Change a state and anything is possible. But it all starts with one person, one heart, one mind, one spirit and one idea about faith.

Love conquers all or the meek shall inherit the earth are but two phrases which pop into my mind which I now truly believe in. Once I accepted who I am I know that in order to find my way along the path of my journey I need help. I am alone in my mind but I have faith in my wife, family, and friends wherever they may be. I am alone in my mind but I have heart that my love for my wife and sisters will shine through. I am alone in my mind but my spirit soars with the knowledge that I am a person who was born male but is female and I am a beautiful woman. I am alone in my mind but am I truly alone in this world? No I am not because I have my wife, my family, and above all my sisters who support and accept me for who I truly am.

May you find peace in your journey and joy at the end. Love one another not because it is expected but because it is right. We are a community with singular spirit and mind to know what is right. Bound together we have heart in the belief that we have a right to be happy and free from discrimination and labels. As one our faith in what we believe is right will change one person which will change the world. Love ❤️ and hugs 🤗 to all of my sisters.

Danielle Rose Fox 💋👠

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Estimable Member     Canada, Avon, Elliot Lake
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Dianne.......such great words of wisdom and inspiration. Thank you.  I just wanted to say this.......good/evil people have existed since the dawn of mankind. Why this is in us is a mystery....only our species has this trait.....why....unknown. As the top predators....our behavior is unknown in other species, except maybe crows who are accumulators like us.

It looks like we are collapsing as a society but if you study can see that on the whole, the percentage of evil events match the growth of population over time and space. The world may seem to be getting more evil but on a percentage versus population really boils down to the same percentage as supposedly existed when Adam and Eve were conceived of. I makes ones head hurt! I just try to be me and do what I do........I don't like head hurts.

Thanks again for your thoughts..........


Dame Veronica

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Estimable Member     United States of America, Ohio, Mansfield
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Hello my sister Veronica,

Yes, as a lover of all things historical and the history associated with historical artifacts, I know as our world population grew so did war and crime. Evil is inherent in any society and what mankind can and does to each other just in the name of God or any other religion (some not as much or as often) have tarnished many cultures. Does anyone else wonder if what we do to one another wasn’t predetermined by whatever higher power(s) may be. I believe there are many theories around to explain why and what man has done through the ages. One might be that war and crime may be a means of population control similar to Mother Nature and wildfires or volcanoes which tear down to create. Others may say that without war and crime our technology would never have developed as quickly. But that is for another time.

But I truly believe our thoughts should be geared more towards how we cope and try to change how we meet evil in every day life. You and I cannot go to a real war at this point in our lives, though we would answer the call to protect the innocent as well as the not so innocent in our society. But we can help each other survive to battle ignorance, hate, bigotry, and injustice. Those who came before us have battled this for as long as there has been civilization in one form or another. Our path has been paved with the best intentions and a lot of sacrifice.

It is up to us to carry the torch, or sword, of freedom from ignorance, hate, bigotry, and injustice. I am an optimist who knows everything isn’t rosie. Life is not easy, it is hard. True joy is found if you choose to look and sometimes you have to face uncertainty and pain to find the hope and good in all of us, even within ourselves. If I could change the world it would have to start with one person. With love ❤️ in my heart I would try to change my world around me. Love ❤️ and hugs 🤗 your friend and sister in all.



P.S we could have some awesome conversations over a few beers 😁

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Honorable Member     United States of America, Virginia, Fairfax
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Hi Danielle, as a sister in faith too I hear your words.  It truly is a challenge to everything we were taught to be able to find our purpose when we look at how the world wants to order itself.  Yet I know that love is what we are called to and applying that was the beginning of accepting who I am in context of community.


Posts: 202
Estimable Member     Canada, Avon, Elliot Lake
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Danielle.....I would love that to happen. One of my observations of people is that there is far too much talk....not enough do! The more people there are the more OPINIONS have to be made and the whole project stalls. God forbid we ever come to a situation where immediate action is required! LOL. I loved the line in the war movie about a submarine...U-571......the captain says to a crewman who dared countermand an order.............punches in face and says...."this is not a god damned democracy...the is the Navy and only I say what goes!". Throughout history the most progress is made when 1 he King or dictator, runs the show. Senators and discussions on what is to be done...brought down the Roman Empire. Imagine a flock of sheep or goats wherein every individual has a say in what is to be done when the wolf arrives.........chaos!!! A leader decides what action to take..........I think democracy has reached its end.

Must run.....always a great pleasure to hear from you my sister.

Dame Veronica.


Posts: 164
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Estimable Member     United States of America, Ohio, Mansfield
Joined: 7 years ago

Hi Cloe,

Love is everything good in this world. All that is done in our world which is good is done out of Love. Heal the sick and injured you need compassion and that comes from Love. Random acts of kindness comes from the Love of others. Find yourself in the morass of rhetoric and mass marketing of today comes from Love of self. I believe in the power of Love and the goodness it brings to all. I am an optimist and a Christian. With the help of this community I have found who I am and I do love myself and my sisters. I have a wife who is amazing, accepting, and supportive and she is the one true love of my life. She is with me on my journey and her love sustains me when I falter. I have a sisterhood which expresses love and happiness of self so we can all be who we are as an individual and as a community. So in my opinion it is Love which should guide us but it is a flawed world and Love is not a priority. Dame Veronica sees the world as it is and knows how it should be because she has seen the worst in the human race without Love.

But on a lighter note I love my Cacique underwire bra I bought a few months ago. It is a halter style and very sexy but the reason I love it is because when I pull all of the excess into the cups I have breasts, and it looks sexy. Love and Hugs



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