As we progress on finding our true selves while facing life experiences that light becomes a like brighter inside .
After coming across this .... Trans folks are asking: What makes you proud to be trans? - INTO (
It got me thinking on how others are proud to be who they truly are . So the question is ,what makes you proud ?
I am proud that so far I have been able to standup to the challenges of being transgender and that I am visible in the community and in my political, charitable and civic organizations.
I am proud to be able to go out every day as my true self and relate to and hopefully impact others in a positive uplifting way especially in my transgenderd community
It makes me who and what I am. It defies me. I am proud of what I am. But at the end of the day we always evolve and become better versions of ourselves. For example from a kid to a adult and from 1 fabulous woman to a more fabulous version of our self.
I am not sure proud is the right word for me. I am an upper 60s yr old person who for 63 yrs has had an incessant desire to be female. Like many I have done a plethora of things to suppress that part of me.
Recently (Dec. 2023) I finally stopped the intense determination to "beat this thing" and instead embraced the reality. I am trans.
Others in my life have known that I struggle with gender incongruity. But I have always done my best to make it clear to them that I am not trans. Well I have stopped hiding behind that delusion. So at peace with this truth about myself that I have told others plainly, I am trans.
Being trans doesn't automatically make me or anyone for that matter a woman. It simply means I am transgender. It does explain the inner conflict, often times turmoil, of not being female that I have known all these years. However my inner sense of personal identity developed after years of trying to figure this out does lead me to the conclusion that indeed I am a woman at my core.
Like many in my age demographic I have a multitude if male responsibilities to many.. So though now I am at home with (i.e.proud of?) owning the truth that I am trans, how to enjoy my trans womanhood without excessive "collateral damage" to those I deeply love is my new challenge.
Thanks ladies and gents for your thoughts . It is wonderful reading the different replies .
Am I proud , I'm just me plain and simple , the good the bad and the ugly , it's a package deal no refunds with a limited warranty . I'm proud of who am I as a human being . Caring, kind , compassionate , etc etc . Anyone can do this Gender doesn't apply to this action. No matter where I go or where life takes me I will always just be me
Im proud because I am a much fu*king better woman than "he" was a man. My list of the ways I have changed is almost endless. (possibly not the swearing) LOL
Hi Ladies,
I am proud that I can say that how I always felt from a very young age, was actually true! I wasn't "wrong" or weird, I always knew I was supposed to be a girl because, I am, I'm an intersex female, a woman!