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What's the first thing you've done, or plan to do?

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Active Member     Canada, Alberta, Edmonton
Joined: 3 years ago

What's the first thing you've done in regards to your transition, or what's the first thing you plan to do?


I just got the approval to legally change my name! Just got to get all the paperwork filled out, fingerprinting, and criminal background check!

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Noble Member     United States of America, Virginia, Front Royal
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Ryan, being the type of person I am, I always wanted to start out with what I believed were the basics. And in this case it was HRT, then enough therapy to get my first surgery. Then i had planned to wait a year for my second surgery. Alas, covid delayed the second surgery an additional year; but oh well, I'm no worse for wear. Michelle

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Trusted Member     United States of America, New York, Kingston
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I’m a recent cancer survivor, and when I was told that I might be prescribed testosterone blockers, which could result in breast growth, I thought, ok! Well then… really made me advance my thinking in a way it had never gone to before.  I’ve always been a girl/woman inside, and am fortunate to have a life partner that accepts the female me. If life circumstances bring me closer to that, why not?  For me it’s not an affront to my self identity as much as it is an affirmation of who I truly am.  This fragment of my journey leads me to think, yes, HRT, bring it on 🙂

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New Member     United States of America, Florida, North Fort Myers
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I walked into work on a Monday morning as Alyna 2 weeks after my egg cracked. I thought I was a feminine gay man. 6 weeks later I got ahold of hormones and started before I saw an endo. Within 6 weeks my t level was at 6 and my e level was 400. 109 days in to transition I had my name changed and an f on my driver's license. 825 days in I had an orchiectomy. 1367 days in I had GCS. Those that knew me as a gay man watched and were amazed as my transition was fast tracked. The job I worked at when I started discriminate against me. They repeatedly wrote me up and terminated me. I attempted suicide 93 days into transition. I was raped months before GCS. Members of my family disowned me. My partner left me. Now I live in Florida and feel there is a target on my back. I got my concealed carry permit and never leave the house unarmed as I feel like I am hunted. I am married to a wonderful man. I am disabled and a house wife. I am a retired chef. So my husband is happy and so am I.

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Reputable Member     Canada, British Columbia, Victoria
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I have already transitioned and am working full time as a woman, they all know that I am trans and are fully supportive. The first thing I did was go and have my nails done! I had let my own nails grow out and now I have beautiful gel overlays. The girl doing them said "you must be very committed to this change." I asked why she said that and she replied "These are going to be on for a long time, they don't just pop off like press on ones." I told her that was the whole idea, I've always wanted my own long nails and now was the perfect time to have that goal taken care of. They are beautiful, almost half an inch long and done in what she called 'stiletto red'. I get so many complements about them at work, the other office girls love them!!

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Noble Member     United States of America, California, Cathedral City
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I have no plans for any surgery or HRT. I also have no plans for a name change. The Time to Benefit ratio doesn't balance for me. It seems that there should be a "None Of The Above" choice...

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Trusted Member     United States of America, Louisiana
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I started with voice therapy. And have my appointment for HRT on May 19th. I have been talking with my care team and endocrinologist about having Orchi, instead of T Blockers. They feel it would be better for my heart. And GCS looks to be a couple years down the road.


Posts: 48
Trusted Member     United States of America, New Jersey, Mantua
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I started with body hair removal, nest step is going to be HRT

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