I dont know why this keeps coming to mind, but I would like others to tell me what you think.
In most of the stories and articles I read, people are afraid that trans people will hurt children, but all the instances I have read about, the really bad people are cis people acting stupid. With that said here are my thoughts:
OK, what if we accept the cis reasoning, penises use the mens room and vaginas use the womens room.
How are dads going to explain why someone who look female is in a mens room, and what is that child going to think?
How are moms going to explain why someone who looks male is in a womens room, and what is that child going to think?
I like ideas that make conversation and I play the devils advocate about a lot of ideas, whether I believe in an idea or not, please refrain from your personal point of view and try replying in the view I am asking, your the mom or dad explaining this to your child.
Thank you everyone who responds!
HI All.
Rest rooms, that was one of my biggest challange's for acceptance. I had walked the streets, one can always duck behind a care or bush. Going to town and shopping was a little scary at first untill i bumped into people i knew and no questions. One was even a from my work and no response then or up untill now.
With confidince up my sleeve the the large malls was next, what a breeze cafe's etc but, oops tha meant toilet time. The ladies it had to be. I picked the quiet one at the end of the mall, got in there all is quiet, passed a couple of ladies on there way out and not even a sideways look (great with those large mirrors around you can check the response behind you). Sat down and pee'd as one should, and exiting to was ones hand and check myself. Of out, challange sorted.
I have never had any problems don't put myself with children and mothers, or teenages as they are the first to start questioning.
Good luck Sharon
How we would like them to respond and how they're going to are two different things.Β What they respond with will be driven by their belief system and how much thought they've even given to the subject.Β A persons temperamentΒ and even the child's age matter as to how they respond as well.Β With so many variables and permutations there's always a randomness to who and what one may encounter in each of your scenarios.Β It will take a lot of education and time to create the enlightened society we would like in order to not have negative responses.Β Until then we need enforceable laws to help constrain the miscreants.
Not all is lost, we just have to be situationally aware and vigilant. It sounds onerous at first, but becomes second nature once you've done it for a while.Β Honestly it's just plain good practice to follow for anyone in this world of imperfections that to me also make life fun and colorful and not a bland sea of gray.Β Celebrate the diversity I say.
Before all this silly business with βbathroom billsβ happened, there were NO documented cases of transpeople doing anything in rest rooms. None. The agenda is to try to play on peopleβs fears, and it seems to be working. The interesting thing is that some cis-AFAB people who have been rousted over this. Thereβs a message there if people attempt to understand it...