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I know I am trans, but am I transgender?

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Active Member     United States of America, Pennsylvania, Huntingdon
Joined: 5 years ago

So I am extremely new to this in someways, while at the same time, it feels very old and familiar. I know I'm Trans. I know I'm more than someone who just enjoys dressing up and pretending to be a woman. that realization hit a while back. and it hit hard. I've been thinking a lot about transitioning and have taken small steps toward that. but I want to take bigger steps. like HRT, but, I guess what I wonder is, I know I am trans, but am I transgender? or am I something else....

two people have told me they think I'm just gender fluid, but if I'm only gender fluid, why do I wish I was a woman all the time? I don't understand. maybe you all can help?

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Honorable Member     United States of America, Virginia, Fairfax
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Olivia, you are you. It's easy to fall into the trap of choosing a label that seems to fit then trying to mold yourself to all that goes with it. So best thing you can do is become familiar with the definitions snd see if anything fits you, not the other way around. Another issue is that people can change as they discover more about themselves so don't get locked in either. If you find yourselves struggling with any of it you may want to seek a gender counselor to help you sort it our for yourself. So here's a good link for current terminology and definitions from the Human Rights Campaign.

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Active Member     United States of America, Pennsylvania, Huntingdon
Joined: 5 years ago

I guess I'm looking for terminology, cloe because at this point, I feel like I lack definition.

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Olivia, we all have/or do wonder these questions here on TGH at times and I think the terms might give clarity but more so for doctors then for you.  At least it is that way for me.  You really have to look past the terms and fluff and do a good self analysis as to your gender.

Here are some simple steps to take. First is understand what gender is and as we her are mostly concerned with the mind and how this gender thinks and such you must look at that aspect as well.  There are several books out there on the subject but one the better ones I have found is:  ‘Men are from Mars women are from Venus’ .  It is simple and through example shows kind of how the different genders think.  With a general knowledge of gender in hand you can then go about self analysis and be honest with your self as to how you think, what you want, and what through example in your life really is.  You will find as everyone on the planet will find that no-one is 100% female or male they have traits of each.  For example I am about 50% female and 30% male in my mind, about 50% female 20% male in actions, and what I want is for my body and social image to see me as 70% female.  The rest of the world/society sees me no where near the correct truth, so they are of little value in self analysis.  And that society image will change as I change they still wont see the correct truth.


As to what you want and how strong that desire is use this test.   On a daily or weekly basis how much time do you spend thinking about your gender issues and how intense is the emotions behind the need to change.  If you spend 2 hours a week and it is a fleeting fancy you can brush of with a distraction.  Then you are fairly mild in both areas.  If you think more then on average 6hrs a day and you must change your gender or kill your self you have it pretty bad.  In the later case you might want to see an expert.


Also I have found for myself the intensity and time spent of my gender issues fluctuates over time, like a cycle.  I am on a seasonal cycle about every 3 months, a yearly cycle over the year and I have noticed a liner growth over decades.  This long term liner growth is what I believe leads to the latter in life transitioning.  We all are however different people, so what you discover is yours, only bits an trends can you gleam from any one of us or as a whole.

Good luck in your seacrh.



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Eminent Member     United Kingdom, Alabama, Chiang Mai
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Enjoy being yourself Olivia. Rather than question your own proclivities just be. According to "Desiderata" life will be unfolding as it should.

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Estimable Member     United States of America, Arizona, Apache Junction
Joined: 6 years ago

Definition: Trans is short for transgender!!

Stop listening to other people's opinions and make up your mind using the intelligence God have you!!! Go see a gender therapist, it is the best thing you can do for yourself!!

Sorry if I sound blunt....

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Noble Member     United States of America, California, Cathedral City
Joined: 5 years ago

Use this search string:

cbsnews transgender glossary


The CBS web site has a fairly extensive list of terms...

Posts: 127
Estimable Member     Canada, Ontario, Norwood
Joined: 6 years ago

Am I kidding myself? I have been telling myself that I am at, where I was meant to be with self-acceptance,  identity, comfortable with exactly who I am.


But am I kidding myself? Maybe I've just become complacent. Is this the end of the line for me, or a plateau? I really don't know?


Insights? Advice? Personal experience? Please share, all thoughts welcome and appreciated.



Stephanie xo

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