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Should I go to my local Gender Identity Clinic?

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Eminent Member     United Kingdom, Dunbartonshire, Glasgow
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Hi All

I’m new to this so I apologise if I say something inappropriate or ramble a bit. I’m just looking for the opinions of people who have been where I am. I can’t decide if I should go to my local GIC but am seriously considering it. I have wanted to be female for as long as I can remember. I think about it every day to the point I’m amazed I ever got anywhere in life with this constant distraction. As a child my best friend was female, I loved playing pretend games with her where I was also a girl and as a preteen I tried doing lots of push-ups in the hope of developing breasts and becoming a girl. I was never keen on playing sports with the boys, looking back realise I was very body self-conscious and shy and often was called a gay boy by the other boys. I’m sensitive and caring and became a medic. My wife is a medic and I have two teenage daughters who do not know but maybe realise I’m not especially masculine. I have always been into cross dressing but never been caught to my knowledge. As a teen it was arousing but now it’s just more relaxing and feels right but I’m depressed when it has to end. I don’t think my family would understand and my with my wife it could go either way but more likely end in divorce. I don’t think I should do anything about transitioning until my kids are adults but recently I’m not coping as well and I don’t know why. Dysphoria seems to be  getting worse. As I medic I probably know or indirectly know the docs at the GIC so I’m scared as to how it could stay confidential. I don’t want to be accidentally outed. My wife trained there for a time so she will know some of the staff. If I were to go, should I tell my wife first or after? I’d rather tell her after but maybe that’s not fair on her? I’m not even sure if I should go as I don’t really have a plan for myself. What are your thoughts? If there are any medics here I’d be especially keen to know what you think as I’m also scared about how hard it could be at work. I’m really shy anyway and I’m not sure I could handle it. There seem to be no good options. Thanks

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Noble Member     United States of America, Virginia, Front Royal
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Roz, i have been re-reading your post a few times, trying to find that one, just right reply; and I can't. This a tough one. One I'm sure you have been wrestling with. Since I'm not sure what the rules and laws are where you live, I suspect that even if the law prohibits telling others, it may just find a way out. And you probably would not finding that working out. So I guess the best I can say is to keep doing your homework and see if you can find a way to get it to work. Nothing in this world seems to have that silver bullet fix, unless you are hunting werewolves..... Michelle

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I am with Michelle, I can't say to go and can't say to not go.  I am literally in the same place as you looking at a leap of faith.

I do think talking about your feelings and history is good for mental health.  I am looking to go to therapy to help sort me out, as my dysphoria (self-diagnosed) has increased and decreased with intensity since I was a kid (really since I was 13), but it never goes away.  For me, my dysphoria is lower in intensity when I am crazy busy, but lately it's being sustained and for a longest period ever which has led me to accept I can't run from it, nor will it go away.  25+ years, a wife, 3 kids, and a career haven't helped, so I accepted that I am Trans to some degree.  Since I was in denial I never felt this was me, but since accepting it, I am more acutely aware of my dysphoria which is causing me more anxiety and sadness for being completely in the closet,, which as you know us a lonely place to be.  I mean, which CIS-gender Male looks at a woman and thinks, "wow, those are cute heels! And that's nice they match her Gucci handbag, while her knee-length pleated A-Line dress matches the color of her nails"  - and then wishes I were guess, none.  So I say I am closeted Trans and confused needing therapy.

I have many fears all primarily geared around losing my wife, my kids, my job, but also know I feel I owe my wife the truth.  Either way, I feel I owe her her chance at happiness, and if I can't be happy and if my anxiety, and depression get indirectly pushed onto her (which I feel is happening) keeping her from experiencing happiness, it isn't fair to her.

I am beginning to ramble, but lately (last 3 months) I feel some degree of pain about this every single day ranging from, "yeah..I want to be a girl" to tearing up about while working and preventing me from sleeping.

So this my long winded reply to take steps to see how you feel from day to day vs going to a clinic and potentially outing yourself or not.  I think there are online help groups/chats and support numbers you can utilize to help you.

Take care and wishing you well.


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Hi Roz ,

It's a catch 22 , damned if you and damned if you don't . Working in the medical field can be risky for us . Even though they can't share the info in your file , it doesn't stop any of the other doctors looking in your file . Either way I would out myself to my wife first before I even told anyone at work . Home life should be a safe heaven . I wouldn't want my wife to find out form someone else , this will create more emotional pain adding to it even more .

I have been outed by people before and it's not a very comfortable feeling at all when one starts this journey . When I first came out to friends I asked them what if you were born the opposite sex , what would your life be like ? What would you do for your career choice ? Would you be married or traveling the world ? What type of hobbies do you think you would be interest in ? Would you be attractive to short or tall people ? Etc ...etc ...and listen to there responses . It was questions that made them think and I got very interesting responses . Ones that were open and honest in their answers I keep as friends , ones which had a negative attributes , they were no longer friends  .

I'm not saying this will work for you but I hope it gives you some aid on opening up to your wife , open and honest communication not just with yourself but each other .



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Eminent Member     United Kingdom, Dunbartonshire, Glasgow
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Hi Alexis. Thank you very much for replying. In my heart I feel you’re right that my wife should be the first to hear it. I just don’t know if she will be supportive and it’s possible she might take it very badly obviously. I like the approach of asking friends those types of questions and I hadn’t thought of that. I suspect I already know who my remaining friends would be and it would not be as many as I’d like obviously.
Thanks again for your advice

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Thanks Steph. I feel the same as what you described - since I started accepting I might be transgender the overwhelming sadness and frustration (is that dysphoria?) has intensified considerably. And it’s daily. And I know what you mean about looking at other women. I’m also jealous of their hair and clothes and makeup. I’m still very much attracted to women though so I notice the things a CIS male would notice too! That’s partly how I have stayed in denial for so long - I told myself “How can I be trans or gay when I’m attracted to women?”  That was before I learned that gender and sexuality are not the same thing. You’d think I’d have known that! I have been asked in the past if I’m gay. I don’t know how to answer that now. If I’m trans female then I guess I am gay as I’m attracted to women. But the truth is I think I could be bi. It’s so complicated.

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Hi Michelle. Thanks for taking the time to reply. I’m so pleased to even hear that people understand the problem that helps a lot in itself. I think the first step will be telling my wife at some point. But I might just take it day by day for now, while I do my homework as you suggest, and see if the right time presents itself. The GIC here doesn’t require a referral from a family doctor or psychologist so I know I could go anytime which is very reassuring. The dysphoria or whatever awful negative feelings I’m having about longing to be female and disliking my life/body the way it is seems a bit like stomach cramps -  I mean, like with cramps, it is of varying severity and lasts a different length of time before easing. I keep telling myself it will ease off at some point because it has in the past, and it usually does, but it’s happening more frequently and more prolonged. Although there hasn’t been a day in my whole life when I haven’t Spent time wishing to be female, when I was younger I used to go for a few weeks without feeling I was being crushed by it all. I went out for a long run today which helped a bit. God, what I wouldn’t give for that silver bullet fix. Thanks so much

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[postquote quote=114690]

That is a risk we all take on whether our family will be accepting of us . I try to put myself in the other set of shoes and look at the situation with their perspective and weight my options form there . You are going to know your wife better then anyone else and when it comes to things if it's not a gift such as a gift for christmas dropping hints will leave suspicion and that can be taken in a negative way . Like you have something to hide and this will devalve the trust within the relationship . Or it could be a positive one . Once you have a set plan and you have spoken with her see if she will be willing to go to therapy with you as well . She will have a better understanding what you are going through and it will give her support as well .

It's a lot of info at once for our brains to process . It will take time , but the more you talk about it and open up it does get easier .




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