Hi, my name is Stanley. At least that's what I'm calling myself. I'm just starting my journey to become a man. I just turned 45 on January 26th of this year and I feel it's time to become whom I really am. Any advice or help I can get, I would greatly appreciate it. I'm here to make new friends and am here to talk to anyone who needs a friend.
Dear Stanley,
I hear you loud and clear. I can totally relate with you. I just turned 43 this January and told myself the same thing. I have "come out" to people who don't really understand why I am this way and tried to convince me that I don't know myself. B$! If your like me, then you've probably already been on this path for a long time and you might have put yourself to the side to please everyone else around you. I have been doing this for so- long! When is it the "right" time? When should I put my needs before everyone else's? -Well, the time is now. I think being on furlough gave me a lot of time to self actualize. During which, I decided to make healthier choices. Even though my parts don't line up with the real me, I can put my mind in a good place. In my mind, I am already the man I want to be.
Glad that you are here! Be sure to check out the F>M Chatroom and Forum.
I don't have any advice beyond saying that many here have found that working with a therapist experienced in gender issues is quite helpful. We Hu-Mans do not do well with change and working with a therapist is a good way to stay focused on what needs conscious thought. I also encourage you to add to your Profile page as best you can. It is a great way for other members to understand where things sit for you and your aspirations.
Hey there! I'm 55 and started t in july! I haven't posted here cause I didn't see any other guys and figured there were none... don't have much time this morning but just wanted to reply quick! I'm up for any questions or making friends!
Glad I found this thread. I turned 43 last November and just started T this January. Nice to see and hear of others my age on this journey too.
I’m in the same boat. I’m 49 and starting testosterone in 7 days. I’m so happy and terrified at the same time. But I’m beyond blessed with support from my family and all my friends. I’m new to this forum and hope to meet and make friends going through the same thing.
Hi there, congrats on starting your journey. You deserve to be your true self and to be happy. I am a transguy on t awhile post top surgery so if you wanna ask advice or just chat I'm here.