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Greetings from Eureka: FTM

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New Member     United States of America, California, Eureka
Joined: 6 years ago

My name is Adam, I recently learned I was a trans man and oh boy has it been a roller coaster! I figure it's a good idea to reach out to other trans folks since I can count on one hand how many I know in person. I'm 28 years old, pre-op, pre-hrt, pre-everything. I'm also an aspiring author and have a cat named Rover. I'm pretty much out publicly, with the exception of super-conservative grandparents who I hardly ever see.

So... how's everybody doing?

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Welcome to TGH! Nice to see another guy around here. I'm around off and on if you ever wanna talk. I'll send you a friend request.

Posts: 718
Honorable Member     United States of America, Virginia, Fairfax
Joined: 7 years ago

Welcome to TGH, Adam!Β  I see you've met Xelyn,Β  I'm sure he will be a good friend to you here as well as all our members.Β  If you ever have questions or need and shoulder to lean on theΒ  ambassadors are here to help as well.

Ambassador Cloe

Posts: 182
Estimable Member     United States of America, Minnesota
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Adam,

Congrats on coming out! That's a heck of a momentous time. I agree it's a rollercoaster! My coming out was like the "Corkscrew" at Valleyfair. It had its ups, downs, turned me and everyone around me on our heads and then righted me by the end. I lost a lot of friends, family and colleagues. I'm super glad to hear many of your people accepted you! Acceptance is so humanizing.

How am I doing? I'm knee deep in trying to find safe employment, the kind where my co-workers don't call everyone a "guy", gearing back up for college by studying my maths, I was kicked out for complaining about transphobia from my teachers a few years ago, suffering from bad credit since I refused to pay for the student loan from that experience, finding it hard to find allies, caring for my ailing partner and aside from all that doing my best to stay productive and happy. Working on getting my motorcycle permit so I can get my Vespa this season.

I'd love to hear more about your writing. Are you published? What are you working on now? I'm listening to an audiobook on Hilary Clinton's "What Happened", reading the new Queer Eye book for some supportive quips, reading Heath Fogg Davis' "Beyond Trans Does Gender Matter?", referencing motorcycle riding books, raspberry pi and laptop instructional books. I'm typing on my new laptop, never had one before, and loving it. Have you ever considered writing a production for the Fringe Festival? Deadline's coming up February 19th for the Minnesota one. I'm loosely thinking on one but I think I'm too busy. I'm sculpting a phoenix rising from flames in the St. Paul Winter Carnival this weekend. My first time and I'm stoked! I'm looking forward to chilling out awhile after it this took a lot of planning. Glad to meet you. Hope we get to chat soon.





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