I'm Michelle and I have been dealing with gender identity issues for 40ish years. Born male but since somewhere about 8 or 9 years old, I started wearing my sisters clothes when no one was home. I was really feeling like I was supposed to be a girl.
I even had really vivid dreams about having both boy and girl parts. In the dream I was in a hospital being forced to choose which gender I wanted to be because it was going to be permanent. I was pressured to choose boy by everyone.
Anyways I have pretty much been living in a constant state of depression and anxiety because mentally I am a female, I only feel comfortable in female clothes, my mannerisms are predominantly female, and basically I consider myself female except for the tiny thing in my pants.
I'm hoping to find out what I need to do to correct this error in my life.
Thank you for allowing me to be here.
<p style="text-align: right;">Michelle</p>
Hi, Michelle, and welcome to Heaven. It is so good to have you here. I hope you can connect with us here on chat or forums and such. I'm also a late bloomer and enjoying my adventure to fullest. I think you'll find we're a friendly and supportive bunch. So make yourself at home, hon. Looking forward to getting to know you.
Peace and love Carly