Hi y’all, I just found the site and so thrilled to have some community. I found one local group, but they have either gone underground or went stealth as all attempts to contact them were unsuccessful, but I press on! I’ll look forward to joining different topics and asking ???s or contributing as applicable. You’ll probably see me in the make-up and fashion/clothing forums 😎
I’m MTF (obviously AMAB), 13 months on E & Fin. Distance runner & sailor. Retired Army. Married to very supportive CIS F. It has taken her a while, but she is more and more encouraging every day!
Cheers! 💜
From my observation, groups come and go. New people arrive and older ones move on. It is just how it goes. Alternatively, perhaps you can find 1 or 2 people who were involved before and start your own circle.
You mentioned makeup and fashion. We don’t have those specific sections on TGH. I wasn’t here at the beginning, but I assume the thought was that most folks here would be sorting out their gender identity, planning transition and working through it or have completed transition. Whatever folks needed to know about makeup and fashion would have been picked up on CDH.
Note that there is physical, emotional and social transition. They are not the same thing. There are discussions here for each topic.
Hi Lou.
Welcome to TGH. A very friendly, understanding and supportive group.