Hello Everyone,
I'm a relatively new MtF trans person, and am still navigating this new world. I've been on HRT for three months now, and have never been happier with myself than now! I wanted to reach out here to find a community to help share, and guide me through this as I continue forward.
Thank you all for this fantastic forum and resource to help us through this time in our lives.
I know most, if not all, are here for you. Please reach out anytime. Feel free to ask me to be a friend and feel free to ask me anything you want. I've been on estrogen for over one and a half years now and have had my GRS surgery 12 weeks ago.
Thank you! I'm already starting to see/feel changes, and am excited and looking forward to everything going forward.
Wish yo well hope it works for you x
Hi Aubrey.Β Welcome here!Β I'm pretty new to this also.Β Good luck achieving your goals.
Hello Aubrey,
Welcome to our TransGender Heaven (TGH) site: A Transgender Support Site. We are a wonderful, accepting, loving, helpful community where you can be safe and be yourself.
You can read about the knowledge and experiances of others on a similar path by reading articles and in the forums and chatting in chat rooms.
My hope is that you will become comfortable here and make many new friends.
Glad you are here. Looking forward to seeing you on the site.
Terri Anne, Ambassador
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