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Hi! Bigender? Maybe? New Person

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New Member     Canada, Ontario
Joined: 4 years ago


So if the title wasn't clue enough I am very new to being a different gender to the one I was assigned at birth (male) :). I am not sure whether or not I am fully Transgender MTF or Bigender but whatever I am I adore feminine things and clothes and I just recently got a pair of silicone boobs which I'm very excited about 🙂 I'd be happy to chat about anything but I originally sought out a site like this because of my gender ambiguity and help with that! So in conclusion hi!

Sophie <3

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Trusted Member     United States of America, Wisconsin, Fort Atkinson
Joined: 4 years ago

Welcome Sophie, I'm new here also, but like for me, I am out to the world, then I decided to figure this new life out as I go on this new path. One reason I moved so quickly is because once I understood that I was transgender, something changed in my soul, I all of sudden, I Liked me, I can't explain what I was feeling, I knew it was the direction I needed to go.                                                                                                   I have made friend here on this site and finding that so many of us have the same story and are on the same path. Everyone here, I'm finding are caring, loving and smart, yes it's a comuity I'm so happy to be a part of, that's enough of my blubbering, welcome again Sophie.

Huggs Timmie



Posts: 1840
Noble Member     United States of America, California, Cathedral City
Joined: 5 years ago


Glad you wandered in!

There is a spectrum of gender identities and you have described one point along that spectrum. Even though this has always been true, it isn’t a concept that the general public understands; perhaps one day.

When you have a chance, please complete your Profile page. It is a great way for other members to understand your journey and your goals.


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