Hi everyone, I'm Lisa, a 51 year old transgender woman. I'm into chess, astronomy, and music. I start my hormone therapy, male to female, in December, and I here to talk to other transgender woman who have gone through the process and hopefully get some advice.
Hey how are you welcome! I am new to this chat room, however I just to say welcome and I appreciate ya! Wish you the best, take care!
Hello Lisa, I am also new to this group. I am a 64 year old MTF trans girl. I have been out for four years and been on HRT for 15 months. When you have questions please ask.
Hormones can have a number of side effects and so you should be familiar with them. Most people these day take Spiro and Estradiol. Some trans girls also get prescribed Progesterone. Generally Estradiol patches are considered the safest over injections and pills.