As my background info says, I am a trans woman in spirit only for now. Love feeling as a woman, I love the clothes, the daily life dressed as much as possible as a woman, with desires and emotions like any woman. I suppose like some, what's holding me back from going further? Just my kids. I know them, and I understand they just couldn't handle it. So I have picked a username that is hopefully very obscure, yet still reveals my feminine, affectionate heart. I want live full-time, all the time, as a woman, to be dressed as a woman, and to be a loving companion for a good guy.
Thank you for welcoming me. I do indeed appreciate this community and I feel it is going to become very important to me.
Hi Dani.
Welcome to TGH. A friendly, understanding and supportive community.
It is a nice place to belong.
Hi Gisela!
Thank you for the welcome. I have waffled back and forth over the last few years, being drawn to crossdressing at first, and initially I thought, "This is good." But it wasn't the right fit. And I purged. So I thought it must just have a fetish or something, but then, with the increased exposure in society of the transgender community, I began walking down that pathway, and everything I felt, felt right. I love dressing at home full-time. Bras fit somewhat, because of one breast being enlarged. Maybe an indication of extra estrogen which has also long affected my emotions! I make the decision not to fight it anymore-- and my life is much better.