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Hi, I’m Corinna

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Hi everyone, my name is Corinna. I recently just came out as transgender after three years of intense counseling and therapy. It was the hardest thing I've ever done. I went through periods where I tried to reject this side of me, ignore it, take up hobbies, etc., but nothing seemed to work. I kept coming back the desire and the feeling that I could no longer shake, I must be transgender. I've always felt different, and even would identify as a crossdresser. I would dress in my moms and sisters clothes when I was younger through my teens, and buying my own clothes as an adult.


Unfortunately, hitting puberty as a boy hyper sexualized my experiences while dressing and I developed a nasty addiction. From 16 until I was 30, I went through a dark period where I was full of shame with what I was doing online, shame because I had the desire to be female, and more shame because it didn’t fit my morals that I wanted to live up to. I was scared to be found out and did everything I could to hide my true self. I ended up getting married during that time and she found out about my crossdressing and didn’t approve (still doesn’t). I sought  treatment for my addiction and have been trying to live in recovery from that nasty online stuff. However, that feeling never went away. I could not understand why I still wanted to dress up and exist as a female in this world. Since leaving treatment, I would work with a therapist to help me stay in recovery, but figure out who I really am.


Well, fast forward 3 years (I'm 33), I came out to my therapist that I am transgender and let her know that I want to be referred to as Corinna from now on. She said she is going to love me through this next stage and that I should start making friends in the community to answer questions and build relationships. So, here I am! I'm sorry for the long post but wanted to be authentic to my story. I look forward to meeting all of you in time! Thank you for reading 🙂

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Active Member     United States of America, Texas, hawkins
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Hey girl, I know how ya feel tho I'm only 21. I had a few friends who helped me realize and accept who I really was. Thx to them, I am who I am now. And I'm sure ya will find someone who will accept ya for who ya are. I myself have a man who doesn't care about my past life of me being a man. All he sees now is the woman he loves 😊. We girls gotta stick together.

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Welcome, Corinna.

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Hi Corinna! Welcome to TGH! I have felt an increasing desire to be female throughout my life. Only recently has it begun dominating my every thought. I have the best wife on Earth, and am going to be a woman in every way in  12-18 months. I am going by Jenni for now. 🙂


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