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Trusted Member     United Kingdom, Caithness
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Hi I've "transitioned" here from crossdresser heaven as I'm now convinced that it's more than just dressing up at this point. I don't know where I am right now or where I will end up but this seems like a good place to start



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Glad that you found us!

There are a number of us that maintain a presence on both sites. The reasons vary, but my thought is that I spent a fair amount of time sorting out women’s clothing and shoe sizes, color coordination, accessorization, etc. and I am willing to share that knowledge with others. Hopefully it will shorten someone else’s learning curve.

Personally, what I think happens as our journey continues is that we give ourselves permission to not be so rigid and not to outright dismiss or avoid situations that are outside of our usual experience. Often the result points us in a different direction from what we originally thought.

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Trusted Member     United Kingdom, Caithness
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@flatlander48 Hi DeeAnn, Once I had joined CDH it didn't take me long to find TGH as it is linked from there. At the time I felt I was more aligned with the former. I will undoubtedly keep up my interactions as I have made so many friends there but I have come to realise that it is more than simply popping on a frock though. In fact in many ways the clothes have become less important than how I feel about who I am.

As for going in a different direction, even if I had asked myself for permission I'd have told myself to get stuffed, I'll do what I want... LOL. In some ways it feels like the journey has, if not just started, then taken a turn onto a different path & I'm looking forward to the next stage of the trip no matter where it takes me.

I guess we all pick up knowledge over the years without really thinking about it but you are never too old to learn something new (I went back to college at 50) so I am both a sponge & an open book. & I love hearing what everyone else has to say. Bring it on.


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Eminent Member     Canada, Ontario, Hamilton
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Hi Sasha, I like you found myself here. I still follow CDH as well as they seem to have a larger number of questioning ladies who want to express femme socially like me and I need that guidance. They still cover many transitioning issues both sites. I try and focus on relatable forums to interact and contribute on both if I can.
TGH ladies know us better and have or are going through our questioning. So I encourage you to ask them anything, don’t be shy!


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@kaydee65 Thankyou, I did originally have questions which I was going to post on CDH but this seems like the more appropriate site. I am looking forward to seeing what everyone here thinks on a whole range of topics.


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Welcome to our slice of 'heaven' Sasha. Where you are right now Sasha? Well, just look around you, because no matter where you go; there you are. Where you will end up; well that is for you to decide. Those pages in 'your' herstory book have not yet been written. And yes, the beginning is always the best place to start so you don't miss anything along the way.

As to both you and KayDee, and every other member that has joined before, or will join in the future, the experience, knowledge, and willingness to extend a helping hand, would be hard to find anywhere but here. Oh you may find some place that is just an outright expert on 'breast augmentation'; but guess what, you'll probably find that we have a reference to them here somewhere. Be it the Articles, Forums, Groups, Local Places, or just asking in a chatroom, you are bound to get pointed in the right direction.

Remember, the smart person is not the one that knows everything, but the person that knows where to find it ( ). So, in a way, TGH is just one big, huge library. We have lots of librarians, and a reference desk that boggles the mind. And you do not need a library card! hugs

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Trusted Member     United Kingdom, Caithness
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@michellelarsen1 Thank you. The one thing I do know about where I am now is that it makes me very happy but I would be equally happy if it were more "real"if you know what I mean. It is real but like most people I wish for more. Up until now CDH has been & will continue to be a great source of information & support but perhaps a more in depth exploration will guide where I end up.

I guess that this is something of a new beginning so lets see where herstory (I like that) leads me. Your experiences here will be invaluable on this journey so I look forward to catching up on them all.


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Hi Sasha. 

Welcome to TGH. I am active in both Heaven. 


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Trusted Member     United Kingdom, Caithness
Posts: 46

@firefly Thank you, me too


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Estimable Member     Australia, Queensland, Brisbane
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Welcome Sasha. I know the NHS can be a right pain, so if there is anything we can help with please sing out.


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@mistressb Thank you. It's sad but the NHS has been run down over many years by successive governments to the point it's barely fit for purpose now. If I'm honest I don't feel I would be justified taking valuable time & money from what's left of it by adding transition burdens as well when there are many who need it more than me & I speak from personal experience here. I am hopeful that many of my questions can find an answer here..... although I have a lousy singing voice so I will save you that particular pleasure.


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Estimable Member     Australia, Queensland, Brisbane
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I know a few UK based girls who have waited years to see a specialist and as soon as they had their letters they are off to Thailand at their own expense. Here in Australia we have to pay for everything except the public gender clinic however the wait is around 2 years. I went private for all my procedures and also use injections which is quite rare here. There is talk about it being covered by our National Health system however I not holding my breath and quite frankly I'm at the end of my transition. 😉

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Trusted Member     United Kingdom, Caithness
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@mistressb Yeah, currently there is, or at least was the last time I checked, a 7 year wait for an initial appointment in Scotland on the NHS. I can see why people go private but that's an expense that is well beyond my means & a 7 year wait! At that point it's way too late (for me at least) I know people say that it's never too late & good for them if they feel that way but one must be true to oneself first.

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Trusted Member     United States of America, Pennsylvania, Montco
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Welcome to Tgh Sasha, I hope you find some of your answers here. We have a wide variety of resources for you to browse through. I hope to see you on chat sometime soon. 



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Trusted Member     United Kingdom, Caithness
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@kimberlyshaw Thank you. I have browsed quite a bit already. How does the chat thing work? I was under the impression that an upgraded account was needed. TBH I just use this as a chat page...

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Estimable Member     Australia, Queensland, Brisbane
Posts: 91

@sashabennett the chat is still available on the free account is like a discord, however I much prefer messages like this in a topic.

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Reputable Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
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@mistressb I also use forums messages more than chat, but sometimes I feel the need to talk and the chat is more effective for this.

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Reputable Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
Posts: 192

@sashabennett I don't chat much, but the public chat works the same as it does on CDH. I have the same public chat as free members. My upgrade privileges are Photos and Groups. I don't have a private chat here as I have in CDH. The public chat is never crowded at TGH. 



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