Ok so i am a 25 year old male and i always wanted to be a woman but i dont mean have a surgery and become one i mean a natural born woman i want to feel what its like to be a natural woman i want to be able to make love like a woman when i have sex with a woman i see how good it feels for her it like feels much better for her and i want that i want to give birth i want to do everything that a woman does mind you i am not attracted to men but i assume i would be if i was born a woman how do i overcome this i dont want to dress like a woman or get the surgery because i am a man so i must overcome it and there has to be a way can someone help me
Hi Tom, you have quite a bit to discuss there. Have you tried finding a psychologist to discuss all of this? I think it'd be your best first step to help you learn your best path of self-discovery. We're not trained counselors here on TGH. As you wait for your psychologist appointment I'd suggest reading about lesbians, bi+, queer and trans women and see how they can differ from straight cis women. Here's a website that could help you begin that journey: