Introductions and new members
Hello from Hamilton, Ontario, I am really just starting my journey. Trying to figure it all out. Hope to learn from all you Wonderful Ladies.
@kimberlyshaw thanks so much Kimberly, glad I landed here. Have spent some earlier time on CDH as I am between CD and TG, in therapy to figure it out. Hope to chat soon.
Happy to have you with us! I hope that the time you spend here will be helpful for your journey.
Are you connected with any trans groups in the Hamilton area? This is very important as it is very easy to become isolated. Remember that we humans are social creatures. Participating in a group with our peers can have a very powerful effect on our wellbeing and a reminder that others are working through the same issues. Anyway, if you are not part of a social or support group, I strongly suggest seeing what’s out there.
I’m glad that you are working with a therapist and I trust that it is someone with experience in gender issues. Not everyone has that background.
The importance of working with a therapist is that, being an objective party, they can help working through issues that are difficult to process on our own. Actually, what can happen is that we just give up and retreat if there is something that we can’t figure out how to deal with. I think the thing to remember that this is not the work of a minute. We dealing with issues that have been simmering on the back burner for a LONG time and they won’t unravel quickly.
@flatlander48 Hi DeeAnn, thanks for your words of encouragement. I am trying to reach out to all the Hamilton members of TGH along with CDH as well. Hope to hear from some as most are inactive members.
I am lucky to have found a local TG therapist with familial and clients so feel very confident she can help me figure it all out. I finally took a selfie of Kaydee the other day. I love your name and am considering KayDee as it feels better had to use for online presence Kay Dee as they want a last name can’t use my real last name. But Kay as first name is not as comfortable. Dilemmas we go through. SO already feels my male self is slowly dying. She doesn’t know any of my online presence. Won’t talk to me about anything. I have a big relationship post on CDH about my SO issues.
sorry to dump on you, if any thoughts would love to hear.
KayDee (trying it on for size)
@kaydee65 Choosing names is an interesting proposition and people come at it from MANY different directions. So, I can tell you what my thought process was.
Legally I am still Donald. At 75 I don’t see a need to change my information plus coordination across 4 states, 2 pensions, 4 mortgages, 5 banks and credit unions, 8 car loans, public school and college records and my PE license. I have more useful things to do than getting everything to align.
Most would probably think that Donna would be appropriate, but I did not. It just didn’t feel right. After ruminating on this for a couple of weeks, it came to me. I’ve been a motorsports fan since the age of 9. I’ve been to all sorts of events across many disciplines and race tracks. What I remembered was that Mario Andretti’s wife’s name was Dee Ann. She is passed away now, but that just struck a cord! The only thing was that I removed the space in order to encourage people to say the complete name.
Welcome Kaydee. We look forward to seeing you around the site. hugs
@michellelarsen1 Thanks Michelle, glad to be here, getting a different perspective here versus CDH where there seems to be more similar situated girls to me. I guess because I am not fully out of my shell and have issues with SO accepting Kaydee unleashed. CD was tolerated by her 38 years, but acceptance was turned off 8 years ago😪 so trying to get perspective from both outlets along with new in therapy since my egg started cracking these past months.
thanks for welcoming me, hope to chat soon!
A warm welcome form Alberta Kaydee , glad to have you part of the community .
@alexispw Hi Alexis, thanks for welcoming me! Hope to chat soon, glad to hear from another Canadian.
Hi Kaylee.
Welcome to TGH.
If you ever have a chance to go to a Transgender Conference like Keystone or Esprit. Go! They are truly life-changing experiences.