Thank you Krystal, I hear you loud and clear. I knew when I was four that I was supposed to be a girl, but, as you say, "that's a good boy" was constantly rammed into my ears whenever a trace of or interest in femininity appeared.
And now the curse part of the journey, being abandoned by almost all those who consider themselves to be righteous believers in their faith. To them, I have fallen and am now forsaken. I transitioned six months ago and haven't heard even a positive peep from any of those people. I was informed that what I was doing was "the worst choice of my life" and can only imagine the talk and finger wagging taking place.
To Ariana and anyone on their trans journey. After I transitioned my life has never seemed more completely fulfilled and I've never been happier! I have been told by many who know me that they couldn't remember me smiling, now the smile never leaves my face, I giggle all the time, and they tell me that I literally glow with joy now.
Move on with your journey and know that the path taken is well worth it!
Ms Lauren M
Hey Ariana,
I didn't vote since there's little to go on, at least in my mind.
I love playing the fire breathing dragon in video games. I get totally into it, especially when I lay the flame on my buddies. But that doesn't mean I want to be a dragon.
So, here's a little test to try:
Put on your drabbiest, most uninspiring boy clothing on.
Now look in a mirror.
What do you see?
If it's a man in boring male clothing, they you've got your answer.
If it's something else, then speak to someone like many here rightly suggest.
Hey there Barb! ...and that's why I hated mirrors all my life - unless they were reflecting Lauren!
Ms. Lauren M
Rather than putting up internet polls, have a look through the following and take some time to figure it out and be honest with yourself. NOTE not all transgender or non-binary people have dysphoria and the severity wildly differs from person to person.
Here's the criteria
A marked incongruence between one’s experienced/expressed gender and
primary and/or secondary sex characteristics (or in young adolescents, the
anticipated secondary sex characteristics)
A strong desire to be rid of one’s primary and/or secondary sex characteristics
because of a marked incongruence with one’s experienced/expressed gender
(or in young adolescents, a desire to prevent the development of the
anticipated secondary sex characteristics)
A strong desire for the primary and/or secondary sex characteristics of the
other gender
A strong desire to be of the other gender (or some alternative gender
different from one’s assigned gender)
A strong desire to be treated as the other gender (or some alternative gender
different from one’s assigned gender)
Oh, I've cracked a mirror or two!
"Mirror, Mirror on the wall..."
"Just STOP! I don't want to hear it unless you change out of that dreadful outfit!"
That f*ckn' mirror... LOL!!