Hello, Girls. I am new to this forum. My name is Miss Roxanne Lanyon, and I adore meeting all of you girls! Not too long ago, I was simply an occasional crossdresser. But now, thanks to my last divorce about seven years ago, femininity has taken over my heart! I love being a woman!
Roxanne Lanyon
Welcome Roxanne! I too was an occasional crossdresser but after my last daughter completed post-secondary in June I am leaving my loveless marriage, moving in with my gurlfriend in an open, loving relationship and starting my transition!
Ladies here are so friendly so you have come to the right place!.
Stephanie Lindsay
Welcome Roxanne,
Femininity was already firmly in place in my heart when I was born. I've always known I was supposed to be a girl, I talk like a girl, move, walk, sit, throw a ball, run and even think like a girl. And now I live as one as I transitioned earlier this year. My biggest regret is not having done so at a much earlier time and age. I can tell you with certainty, it is so much more fun being a girl!!
Ms. Lauren M
I am tickled pink about all the well-wishers this Girl, Roxanne has received! maybe there is hope for me yet! I so would like to live as a female!
Roxanne Lanyon
Glad to have you with us as your journey continues!
Many here have been where you are now. It is a Brave New World, to steal a line from Aldus Huxley.
Are you connected with a community inย your area? Being around ones peers is really helpful to combat isolation, exchange information and just knowing that others are dealing with the same issues. I see that you are a distance from Atlanta and Athens. In recent times a number of LGBT centers are doing online support groups and social gatherings. That helps to overcome issues around transportation, distance, timing and viral exposure.
It would be great if you completed your Profile page. It really help to let others know who you are. It will always be readily available and you can update it at any point.
I certainly wish I had some LGBT friends, but my little town is really conservative! I wish I had a sweet girl friend, or even an understanding man-friend, And Atlanta is so far away, and ever so crowded! (I could buy a new dress there, of course!). I am an older MTF girl, and I will just have to get by. But I surely want a LGBT girlfriend to be with!
Miss Roxanne
Thank you ever so much, Dee Anne! You seem so sweet and welcoming! I can remember when this now mature woman was a "little girl", and things weren't near so receptive, back then> I had to hide everything! It seems so much different, now. Is that true, honey? I sort of feel like I could put on my skirt and simply stroll downtown as Roxanne, and feel ever so wonderful , safe, and happy! Now, if only I had a close friend to do it with, what a beautiful world it would be for this "girl". I truly love my femininity!
Miss Roxanne Lanyon
Yes, it is different these days. I think the difference is that we, as a community, have begun to realize what a difference it makes for us to live authentically. At the very least, it means that we don't have to invest time and energy into being someone that we are not. We can put those efforts towards a much better purpose.
That is, essentially, what coming out is. We get to lay that baggage down and should not feel that we have to pick it up again. There a Rachel Maddow quote that I find particularly helpful:
"The single best thing about coming out of the closet is that nobody can insult you by telling you what you've just told them."