Well, im still trying to figure all this out. I thought i was a crossdresser. But now i feel i want so much more. Im talking to a therapist through the VA. They are going to set me up with another grop that deals with this. Hoping to be able to start HRT therapy soon. Maybe it'll be my New Years new me. At my age though, i dont think i'll be fully transitioning. Buti will be continuing to enjoy my life. I hope.
Hello Kris ,
Welcome to the site and so glad you found us . Good , a therapist can really help you short through your feelings so you have a better understanding on who you are and the direction you want your life to be . You don't have to fully transition either , it is about finding balance and being happy . That includes the good and the bad .
So make yourself at home and look forward to seeing you around the site