i just moved to Houston and I am looking for support to help through the journey I dreamt all my life. I am still just learning now. I missed a lot in my life by not crossing over and I don’t want to waste more time. Help is important to me to crossover quickly. xxx. Heather
Welcome Heather. I am in Dallas. There are plenty of girls here to ask questions from.
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It isn’t necessary to be in a rush. There are things to think about and to understand, and that takes a bit of time. We all progress at our own pace and there’s no extra points for speed.
Hang in there!
Hello I too am in Houston I am also new to this site. Best wishes.
Hello Heather. It is good to have you here. I am a fellow Texan but I am living in Dallas. There are plenty of girls here from the Houston area. And there are many girls here that have been doing this for awhile. So we are available to answer some of your questions.
I remember back when I started transitioning and after 63 years I was anxious to get started also.
Welcome, Heather...it's wonderful to have you here!
Hugs, Shawna