New... Hi Everyone. I am here to make new friends, join groups, and have good fun times. I'm a transman, don't know if there are any here. I like an assortment of people with varied interests. I'm always looking to learn something new and/or see things from new & different perspectives. Drop me a line & say Hi....
Glad you are here! Others like you? Even better, we have a community! There is a forum for trans men and a Chat Room, so I hope you visit those. I don't know how big the community is specifically, but I have welcomed a number of trans men here over the past few months.
Please complete your Profile page when you have a chance. It really helps other members to understand you. Plus, unlike regular posts, you can update your page at any time if something changes.
Also, we have a search utility if you would like to see if you can find other members close by. Click on Social in the menu and the Member Directory.