Quick hi!!!!!
Hello it's me Christina again.
We really don’t have anythings to talk about as you haven’t told us anything about you. So, tell us where you want your journey to go, what’s going well, where you struggle, etc. Even though there may be similarities from person to person, our paths will be different. So, is there anything that we might help you with?
Are you connected to the trans community in your area?Humans are social creatures. It is just how we are. Unfortunately many trans people live in isolation even though they may live in, or near, urban areas.
Hello and welcome to the site
Hi Christina. Welcome to TGH.
Hi, welcome to the site!
Just wondering about the "again" part in your post. Have you been here before?
That's cool! 😀 Then welcome back would be more to the point. It's nice to meet you.