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Active Member     United States of America, Oregon, Klamath Falls
Joined: 3 years ago

I believe I'll like it here. Read my profile to understand me more.

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Noble Member     United States of America, California, Cathedral City
Joined: 5 years ago


You touched on a very important point. I, and many others, use the term "journey" in referring to our progress as transgender people. A journey is only partly about going from point A to point B. A journey often includes the unexpected (good and bad), the presentation of new information, coming upon others that may have a significant impact on you and vice-versa and furthering our knowledge of the world around us. When people get impatient about their progress, there's a question that I often ask:

It took you XX years to get to this point (essentially ones age). What makes you think that you will understand who you are, what you need to do and pull together an action plan for going forward in the next few weeks?

I've asked this many times and I don't think that there has ever been a response. When we consider major changes to our lives, those thoughts need to sit and steep for a while, like tea. There is no benefit to haste; in fact, it screws the process up. We need to bring these thoughts and considerations forward, let them sit for a while as we become comfortable with them and then integrate them into our lives. Shortchanging any part of the process is not helpful.

For me, I think the significance of my telling folks this is that I really don't want them charge off at 90mph and run into a brick wall. That just doesn't do them any good.

So, very happy that you found us and always know that there is a wealth of experience here upon which to draw. Also, I really appreciate your filling out your Profile page completely. I often have to remind new members about that. Know that it will always be readily available and you can update it at any time.

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Posts: 185
Reputable Member     United Kingdom, Wiltshire, Marlborough
Joined: 4 years ago

Yes, this is the hard part (and yes I've filled in my profile DeeAnn)
The one thing I have learned is I never know what I will do in an unfamiliar situation. People say, I would do this or that...but when it comes to the crunch, they don't do they.

The whole thing about our journey is that we won't be doing anything we have done before, felt before or experienced before. Who I was yesterday is not going to be who I will be tomorrow...if it was...I'm not on a journey. It's comforting to have a goal of course but unrealistic to expect it to come true. How can you know how you will feel a year from now? What my priorities will be...and the world around is changing too, I think some forget that.

I will change...I know that, I'm trying to be prepared for that. I will have to adapt and embrace whatever I become.That takes trust in myself, the inner me that I can grow into someone new, someone I feel more comfortable being. I have no idea what tomorrow will be like...and surely that is how it should be. Apprehension and determination in equal parts. Find myself...and deal with it eh?


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