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Somewhere In Between

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Active Member     United States of America, California
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Good Morning All!

Feeling a bit excited, apprehensive but all around good today!  I'll be out and about in public, in "full on" hybrid mode.  Somewhere in between "mtof" if you will.

In hybid mode I wear cammies under my "man" shirt, although it is a bit neutral in design, panties, tights and my very feminine and favorite skinny jeans.  I exclusively wear women's jeans these days and particularly on weekends, women's shoes.

My SO has not seen me this morning, but with this outfit it is pretty obvious I'm wearing feminine articles of clothing.  She is un-accepting of this, so it will be interesting.  More so I'll be out (and have been out) in public in this manor of dress.  I reached a point about a year ago, where I decided I had to do something with these long standing feelings.  So I came up with this "hybrid mode" of dressing.

I'm in a relatively small town in the SF Bay Area, that has an "accepting" community, but tends to lean on the "as long as it's not in my backyard" side.  I will/have get looks and stares, but for the most part seem to go un-noticed.  I openly shop for women's clothes, although "hiding" my collection of things is becoming a bit more difficult.

Recently I've purchased some blouses, and have found many more I'd love to have although I'm not quite sure how I'm going to go about wearing these.

My closet runneth over, and I have to clear some space in it.  Beginning with me stepping out of it just a bit further.

Easier said than done, lots to gain but just as much to lose.

Thank you all for "listening".

Love and Hugs,


6 Replies
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Estimable Member     Canada, Avon, Elliot Lake
Joined: 7 years ago

Rebekka....Good Morning!!!! Good for you girl!  Be yourself. I really feel that you should seriously thing about tell your S/O. They will find out and be upset that you are keeping secrets from them. Just my suggestion...don't want to appear to be interferring in your life. Life is short....I think we should all do what we desire, within reason of course. Good luck....and enjoy yourself.

Dame Veronica

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Honorable Member     United States of America, Virginia, Fairfax
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I completely understand how you feel, but losing something in the wrong way hurts the worst.  Please be sure of what you're doing, hun.

Hugs, Cloe

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Active Member     United States of America, California
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Thank you Cloe!

So true, difficult to know what to do, what not to do, etc.  I am trying to figure this all out, while getting bolder about being out each day.

Today I openly shopped in a department store for panties, ended up buying 4 pair not paying attention to anyone around me but just having fun doing so.

More things to cherish wearing, but to hide as well.  "Coming out" to my SO fully and completely is really difficult.

Love and Hugs,


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Active Member     United States of America, California
Joined: 6 years ago

Thank you Dame Veronica!

Today I openly shopped in a department store buying panties (4 pair), plenty of shoppers around me.  Don't know (don't care) what they thought, and I was clearly a "guy" in "gurl" clothes.  All the way down to my obviously femme shoes, tights and jeans.

Loved it!  (bought a new pair of jeans too!)

Love and hugs!


Posts: 590
Honorable Member     United States of America, California
Joined: 7 years ago


So nice to read your post. My experiances were/are similar.

I feel so very natural now in my own 'hybrid' mode too.

All my best to you Rebekka.

-Terri Anne

Posts: 7
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Active Member     United States of America, California
Joined: 6 years ago

Thank you, Terri Anne,

Nice to hear from you and look forward to hearing more!

Love and hugs,


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