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I wanted to introduce myself on here mostly in the hopes I don’t upset anyone. I have wished I was born female most of my life but it was never something one discussed. I wished I would open my eyes and was a girl. I saw girls and wished I had been a girl like them. I am now over 50 and married. My wife has let me express myself little by little starting with things like nail polish. Then she got me kilts as an acceptable way to wear skirts. Lately she bought me some heels and showed me how to make a mini skirt. I bought some breastforms and she got me bra fitting so I could have a proper fitting bra. I am loving being able to express myself like this but, I still have a beard because I have a crooked face and it hides a lot. I only crossdress at home for fear of losing friends if I came out. I have looked at how far I could take this and it would be a dream come true. However, my wife is not attracted to women. She sees how happy it makes me and is afraid I may leave her if I went from crossdressing to Trans. I am afraid I would lose her. Why am I writing all this out? Well, I still have many questions and I found my way here from CDH. I hope to be able to read how others feel and what their journey was like. Even if I decide to stick to crossdressing.  I promised my wife I would not consider HRT for at least a year from now so she can see if it is just my impulsive nature or something I really want to go through with. I hope you don’t mind me hanging out even if I haven’t figured out where I am going with this.

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Hi Cassie. I would like to greet another traveller. It is hard, at times, to follow your authentic path through life. Sometimes we are not sure which payh is the right one. If you think I can help at all, please ask. I never had a wife to consider, but friends and family weigh a lot on the mind.

Stay safe, stay well

Jenni xx


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