<p style="text-align: left;">I’m a baby NB (trans masc) although I’m turning 45 next month. I have been floating around lost, looking for something anything to hang on to for months now and finally found myself here. The first page on the site made me realise what I was missing - a welcome. Just that one word “welcome” calmed something in my swirling heart and mind and gave me some peace. I feel like I have been giving birth to myself over these last months and now I am here and fresh and new and I felt very alone. That one word changed that for me. I won’t forget it. Thank you.</p>
Wow, quite awesome. Welcome aboard 🙂
Stephanie xo
Hi Lou, can i give you a very warm welcome to TGH too! i know exactly how you felt and i am sure many others can too. Its great to be in a place where you can speak to others who are on the same wavelength as yourself, having friends is so important, being alone makes things seem a hundred times worse. I am so glad you have found us, i hope you make lots of new friends! 🙂
Fiona xxx