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The last 3 years of my trans gendered journey by a 73yr. old trans lady.

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Active Member     Canada, British Columbia, Tumbler Ridge
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Hi everyone! My name is Shona Ireland and I live in Tumbler Ridge in British Columbia. I am 73yrs old and started on my MTF trans gender journey when I was 70 and, it's been quite a ride. I have been wanting bottom surgery all the way. It took over a year for them to start me on hormone therapy. And I was happy that at least I was progressing. I have had many heart problems, including heart attacks(5), open heart surgery as well as surgery for 3 triple "A" aneurysms. This has always been everyone's concern. But I went through every hurdle thrown at me including a 2 day stress test on my heart to see if I would survive this surgery. Anyways, I passed all the tests and according to the heart specialist I was approved for the surgery which was to take place in Vancouver. I was in touch with the surgical nurse, the surgeon and the man that gives the that gives the gas to put you out. I talked to them through Zoom and by phone. Anyways, long story short, the gas man said that because of my heart problems that the mortality rate was a bit higher and wanted me aware of that. I said I was. He said he could do his part for the surgery and that he would give me gas. He would let the surgeon know. Anyways she called me and said that I would not survive the surgery and she wouldn't go ahead with it.

I was totally devastated and could barely talk to her. She told me the gas doctor had given me a high mortality rating and she wouldn't do it.

I didn't know what to do. I did at that moment think of suicide. But, I am a really strong lady and that would only be a horrible last option. Anyways, after crying for three days I finally called my BFF girlfriend and asked if she could come over asap. She did, with flowers to cheer me up. She sat with me and we talked for hours. She knows I am not a quitter and encouraged me to go back to my doctor and have him chase down all involved and try to get me an answer that made sense after all the previous approvals.

She also brought up the fact that lots of women were in my position.  Some of them by choice in this whole process and there was nothing wrong with being left a hermaphrodite. And, she pointed out that lots of women are born this way and live happy fulfilled lives. She really got me thinking. This wasn't the end of my world.

She said being a woman is not what's between your legs, It's what's between your ears and in your heart and soul. She told me you are obviously a woman. You look like a woman, act and walk like a woman, dress like a woman and she said " I would die to have your legs!"  She really made me feel good and I will keep trying. But, if I have no choice in the end, I will most likely carry on as I am.

Anyways, I just thought that maybe I should see what you gals have to say about it and how you feel about the process and your situations and the troubles you may share.


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Trusted Member     Canada, British Columbia, Burnaby
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Hi and welcome , I live in Burnaby BC quite close really - Doctors can be sticklers at times and there may be a solution to this problem - Dr. Brasard in Montreal from what I understand doesn't put a person totally under the hard core General Anesthesia serum Ha ! he uses a spinal anesthetic which anything from the waste down totally puts that part 1/2 the body numb and gives enough local anesthetic to dope you up but not completely asleep , in other-wards your awake but out of it - this may be the answer for SRS surgery , it's true that the mind runs the body not the body running the mind so with that said you may still get surgery and experience something you've waited a life time to be and actually have , I have never regretted doing it and no one supported me with even a hug nothing that's how bad my dysphoria was and waking up still buggered by the anesthesia sat partly up and lifted my gown and looked seeing wow ! flat as a pancake down there    and in my private recovery room all by self smiled for about 3 days proud as punch I did it   - I had my SRS-2 surgery on June 29  2019 at 61 years old in Bangkok by Dr. Kamol - I took a young Gal in 2019 Oct. same year and she got refused because of Hep C , I was going to pay for top and bottom for her at the time , had the spare money from selling my house and she was only 25 and was devastated while I had hair line , lipo , and breast augmentation at the Kamol Hospital - it's not quite a rite off yet if your dysphoria is as strong as mine was to have the equipment changed  - I love it and I'm  orgasmic too with about 6 inches deep - XO - Krystal

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Noble Member     United States of America, Virginia, Front Royal
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Shona, I am sorry to hear what you are going through. But I also sense you are a strong and determined woman. And I suspect that in the end, you will make the right choices, and things will work out. Experiences like yours are always helpful to others her; to either provide them with more knowledge, or something to consider, or just plain old inspiration. Thank you, Michelle

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Hi Shona,

I understand your predicament.  I am 68, and similar concerns were presented to me.  I am lucky in that my health seems to be adequate.  I still have to meet with the surgeon for a face-to-face sometime this summer in NY, so the final word will be determined then.  I am optimist that I can receive the surgery, but I am not counting that surgical chicken until it is hatched.

I have been on hormone replacement therapy for only 8 months, much shorter a time period then many others in transition.  I never want to go back to being a male, I didn't like being a male; and because I spent 67 years doing male, I have a hard time liking males.  Basically, I am a female now and nothing is going to change that: surgery or no surgery.

I have contact my primary and request an orchiectomy,  I never liked them and want them gone.  I will not miss them even a little bit.  Research indicates that following orchiectomy the testosterone levels drop significantly to that lower then a cis-woman's level.  This allows the discontinuance of the spironolactone and the Finistride.  I am going to do this soon.

You may want to consider this as a step in the right direction.  You are already a woman, so be done with the little guys.  I wish you the best in your transition.

Take Care


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Active Member     Canada, British Columbia, Tumbler Ridge
Joined: 4 years ago

Hi sweetie! So happy you are well on your way to completion. I too have a big problem with men after being one for so long. Very few left out there that accept you and treat you as they should. I have found most to be complete jerks. I won't give up as you shouldn't either. We have a heartfelt dream that must be reached so keep up the positive thinking,as will I. Up with Lady power! Best of luck to you my girl.


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Active Member     Canada, British Columbia, Tumbler Ridge
Joined: 4 years ago

Hi Krystal! I am exceedingly happy for you and all trans women who have completed your transitions. This is wonderful and I can tell you are one very happy lady. So happy for you.



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